to Search ?
If you know the first or last
name of the signature
- Enter first or last name or preferably both –
e.g. “Claude Monet” – in the “Name” field.
- Enter any other information you have.
- Click “Search”.
If a single letter is impossible
to read
- Use “+” to replace a single unknown letter.
- Example: If the letter “e” is illegible in the
signature “Monet” – enter “Mon+t” in the “Name”
- Enter any other information you have.
- Click “Search”.
If one or several consecutive
letters are impossible to read
- Use “*” to replace one, two or several unknown
- Example: If the letters “one” are illegible in
the signature “Monet” – enter “M*t” in the “Name”
- Enter any other information you have. • Click
Example(s) of the artist's art prices, signature/monogram
or photos.
I searched your database, but was unable to find
the information/art prices I was looking for. Can
you help me identify or appraise my art piece?
Unfortunately we do not have the time or staff to
personally help you identify an artist or appraise
your art. But if you can't find the information
you need in our database, you can try asking your
question in our Art
Forum. Someone there might have the information
you need. While you are there, why not see if anyone
has posted a question that you might be able to help
them with.
Was your question not answered?
We will try to answer any question you might have
regarding Please email us at
For the time being we cannot offer support by telephone.
Manchula Group INC
The Century Tower, 20th Floor, Suite 2007
Avenida Ricardo J, Alfaro - Panama City, Republic of Panama