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Art auction result for Klaus Lehnartz

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Auctioned pieces | 11 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz Hammer prices and photo for Klaus Lehnartz 12-05-2007 Berlin, Mitte; Berlin, Wedding 15.47 x 11.34 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz Hammer prices and photo for Klaus Lehnartz 12-05-2007 Berlin, Kurfürstendamm Ecke Joachimstaler Strasse 18.50 x 22.83 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz Hammer prices and photo for Klaus Lehnartz 12-05-2007 Berlin, Mauer Potsdamer Platz 12.09 x 15.94 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz Hammer prices and photo for Klaus Lehnartz 06-22-2007 Kreuzberg/gendarmenmarkt 9.45 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz Hammer prices and photo for Klaus Lehnartz 06-22-2007 Kreuzberg/riemannstr. 9.06 x 6.69 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz Hammer prices and photo for Klaus Lehnartz 06-21-2007 East German Soldier Jumping Over Barbed Wire 7.17 x 9.37 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz 12-07-2005 Ostberlin 6.77 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz 12-07-2005 Street Photographer In The Bronx 8.94 x 11.18 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz 06-01-2005 Brandenburger Tor 7.87 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz 06-01-2005 Schönhauser Allee 6.69 x 9.13 in
Hammer prices for Klaus Lehnartz 05-14-2004 New York, BrooklyN-Bridge 11.22 x 8.98 in

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