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Art auction result for Roger Loewig

1930 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 19 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 12-06-2014 Konvolut Von Fünf Landschaftsdarstellungen Und Figürlichen Darstellungen 7.28 x 14.21 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig 05-31-2014 Einsamer Engel. 16.85 x 24.61 in Ink 700 EUR
(763 USD)
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 12-07-2013 Weststrand 3.78 x 5.83 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 12-07-2013 Meeresstück I / Meeresstück ii 7.01 x 10.55 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig 09-28-2013 Heidelandschaft Mit Hügelgrab 15.35 x 19.49 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 09-14-2013 Einaugeland Einsamkeit 20.87 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 06-11-2013 Pejzaż Z Rybą 7.09 x 10.51 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 06-08-2013 "flugbilder Für Die Wolken"/ "sterbende Insekten". 8.90 x 13.03 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 06-09-2012 Insekt Im Schnee 13.98 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig 03-31-2012 Terezín. Sechs Lithographien Zu Einem Kindergedicht Aus Theresienstadt (mif 1944) 11.81 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 09-21-2007 Oh Unsere Heimatliche Erde 9.06 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 09-21-2007 Unknown 15.55 x 21.06 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 09-21-2007 Unknown 11.81 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 09-21-2007 Tauwetter Kommt 7.87 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig 08-04-2007 Eine Deutsche Herbstlandschaft. 1972 11.69 x 15.47 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 12-21-2005 Tańczące to 11.81 x 17.80 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 12-21-2005 Ptak Wędrowny 16.14 x 23.54 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig Hammer prices and photo for Roger Loewig 12-21-2005 Pustkowie I 17.72 x 23.54 in
Hammer prices for Roger Loewig 11-26-2005 Abkehr In Vollständiger Ebbezeit 14.17 x 18.82 in Ink 700 EUR
(763 USD)

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