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Art auction result for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek

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Auctioned pieces | 63 results are found | Page 1 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 13

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 01-31-2018 A Family Walking In A Snowy Landscape 39.96 x 30.00 in Oil 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 05-06-2015 Landschaft Mit Gehöft. 16.14 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 05-06-2015 Ländliche Wegpartie Am Fluss Mit Kühen. 24.02 x 36.22 in
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 12-10-2014 Shepherd And Sheep By A Barn; Family And Cows In A Winter Landscape 14.17 x 12.01 in Oil 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 11-21-2014 Paysage 9.25 x 11.42 in Oil 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 09-28-2014 Harbor Scene 29.00 x 35.00 in Oil 2,000 USD
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 01-28-2014 Fisherfolk Along The Shore 13.30 x 20.10 in Oil 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 10-30-2013 Winter Woodland Scene With Figure On Path 13.58 x 11.61 in
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 10-16-2013 Winter Woodland Scene With Figure On Path 13.58 x 11.61 in Oil 700 GBP
(908 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 09-29-2013 Landscape With Shepherd Herding Sheep 12.20 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 06-26-2013 Gathering Faggots 30.31 x 25.20 in Oil 640 GBP
(830 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 06-12-2013 Winter Woodland Scene With Figure On Path 13.58 x 11.61 in
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 10-30-2012 Landscape With Castle 8.00 x 12.00 in Oil 300 CAD
(219 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 09-24-2012 Gathering The Sheep 30.00 x 40.00 in Oil 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 05-30-2012 Ships At Sea. 12.20 x 14.17 in Oil 2,200 EUR
(2,398 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 06-15-2011 Gegenstücke: Wanderer Im Wald 18.11 x 13.78 in Oil 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 02-02-2011 Auf Dem Feldweg. 16.14 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 01-18-2011 Anglers By A Stream 13.58 x 17.32 in Oil 3,000 GBP
(3,894 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 09-07-2010 Figures On A Snowy Path 13.78 x 17.13 in Oil 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 03-12-2010 Figure In A Woodland Path 29.00 x 24.00 in Oil 1,000 GBP
(1,298 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 03-08-2010 Resting Figure In A Forest Landscape 10.63 x 13.78 in Oil 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 06-20-2009 Landschaft Mit Feldweg Und Rastenden Wanderern 10.04 x 13.98 in
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 05-13-2009 Figuren Met Duwslede In Winters Bos 13.39 x 16.93 in Painting 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 11-23-2008 Cottage Amongst Trees 15.94 x 13.58 in Oil 3,000 AUD
(2,034 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 11-23-2008 The Wayfarer 17.13 x 13.39 in Oil 3,000 AUD
(2,034 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 11-22-2008 Får I Bokskog 14.57 x 20.47 in Watercolor 3,000 SEK
(285 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 11-18-2008 On A Snowy Path In Winter 12.60 x 16.14 in Oil 500 EUR
(545 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 09-27-2008 Winterlandscape With A Family And Their Cattle A Farm And A Windmill 32.68 x 28.74 in Oil 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 09-10-2008 Town Scenes With Figures Beside Canals 9.00 x 12.00 in Oil 1,800 GBP
(2,336 USD)
Hammer prices for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek Hammer prices and photo for Hendrik Barend Koekkoek 06-16-2008 Resting Figure In A Wooded Landscape 10.63 x 13.78 in Oil 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
1 2 3 > >>

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