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• Cocks, John H (USA) (1850-1930)
• Cockx, Marcel (Flemish) (1930-)
• Cockx, Jan (Belgium) (1891-1976)
• Cockx, Philibert (Belgium) (1879-1949)
• Coconis, Ted Constantinos (USA) (1927-)
• Cocq, Cornelis De (Netherlands) (1815-1889)
• Cocquerel, Suzanne (Belgium) (1894-1979)
• Cocquerel, Jules Jacques Olivier De (France) (1838-1903)
• Cocriamont, S.
• Cocteau, Jean (France) (1889-1963)
• Coculilo, Francisco (Spain) (1895-)
• Coda, Roberto Di (1900-)
• Coddron, Oscar (Belgium) (1881-1960)
• Code, Ernva Willard (Canada) (1900-1989)
• Codesido, Julia (Peru) (1892-1979)
• Codner, Maurice Frederick (England) (1888-1958)
• Codner, John (1900-)
• Codony, Joaquín Marsillach (Spain) (1905-)
• Codron, Jef (Belgium) (1882-)
• Cody, James
• Cody, Buffalo Bill
• Cody, William Frederick
• Cody, Arthur (1900-)
• Cody, Declan
• Coe, Sue (England) (1951-)
• Coe, Theodore Demerest (USA) (1965-)
• Coe, Theodore (1866-)
• Coe, Henry (USA) (1946-)
• Coe, S. H.
• Coedes, Eugène Louis (France) (1810-1906)
• Coelho, Luís Pinto (1942-2001)
• Coelho, Pedro Pinto (1965-)
• Coelho, Teresa Dias (1954-)
• Coelho, Dennis Akervik (USA) (1900-)
• Coelli, Piero (1893-1980)
• Coeme, Ri (1914-1979)
• Coen, Oscar H.
• Coene, Jean Henri De (Flemish) (1798-1866)
• Coene, Constantin Fidelio (Brazil) (1780-1841)
• Coene, Joseph François De (Belgium) (1875-1950)
• Coene, Constantinus-fidelio (1780-1841)
• Coenen, Jean (Belgium) (1945-)
• Coenen, W.
• Coenraets, Ferdinand (1860-1939)
• Coeppicus, J.
• Coerlin, Ernst Fischer (Germany) (1853-1932)
• Coerver, L. N. J. (1938-2013)
• Coes, Peter (1946-)
• Coes, Kent Day (USA) (1910-)
• Coesel, Bernardus Fransiscus (1886-1952)
• Coester, Theodore E.
• Coetzee, Christo (South Africa) (1929-2001)
• Coetzer, Willem Hermanus (South Africa) (1900-1983)
• Coeuillerie, Henri Dela (France) (1800-)
• Coevillerie, Henry De Le (USA)
• Coffa, Andrea (Italy) (1800-1900)
• Coffaro, Patrick
• Coffee, William John (USA) (1873-1969)
• Coffermans, Marcellus (Flemish) (1500-)
• Coffey, Mabel R. (USA) (1874-1949)

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