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Browse artists whose last name starts with »H«

Below you can browse the artists by their last name. This is especially useful if you are not quite sure how the artist's name is spelt. When you click on an artist's name, you will automatically access all the artist information (such as art prices, signatures/monograms and photos).

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Page 96 of 449

• Harris, Lawren Phillips (21) (1910-1994)
• Harris, Dorothy
• Harris, Pat (1953-)
• Harris, Willie
• Harris, F. H. Howard (1882-1901)
• Harris, Arthur (1891-)
• Harris, Elenore
• Harris, Mary (17) (1900-)
• Harris, Y. Y.
• Harris, William Cornwallis (1807-1848)
• Harris, John (1950-)
• Harris, Elton
• Harris, Sylvia (9) (1920-2012)
• Harris, Anthony Barnard (9) (1939-)
• Harris, S.
• Harris, L. M. (1900-)
• Harris, Burnett
• Harris, Clara Isabella
• Harris, Frederick W.
• Harris, W. (1900-)
• Harris, R.
• Harris, Harwell Hamilton (17) (1903-1990)
• Harris, Gillian
• Harris, Walter Burton (1866-1933)
• Harris, M. E. (1900-)
• Harris, G. M. (9) (1800-1900)
• Harris, Kenneth (1905-1983)
• Harris, Jack (1900-)
• Harris, Debbie J.
• Harris, Ken (50)
• Harris, Edward E. (1900-)
• Harris, John A.
• Harris, Kennard M. (17) (1974-)
• Harris, Louis (17) (1902-1970)
• Harris, W. H.
• Harris, Bob (1900-)
• Harris, John R.
• Harris, C. L.
• Harris, William (1856-1929)
• Harris, Lun (17) (1918-2008)
• Harris, Nicole (1900-)
• Harris, Vera Furneaux
• Harris, Jon (9) (1900-)
• Harris, Martin John Anscomb
• Harris, Geo
• Harris, Henry Alfred (1871-)
• Harris, Sally
• Harris, Philip (9) (1965-)
• Harris, Caryl (1900-)
• Harris, Phillip N. (21) (1900-)
• Harris, Hon Frederick Leverton (1865-1926)
• Harris, Andre
• Harris, Peter (1923-2009)
• Harris, Maude (1900-)
• Harris, Laura Firman
• Harris, Larry (17)
• Harris, Conley (1943-)
• Harris, Wendy
• Harris, Dell (17) (1900-)
• Harris, Pamela (17) (1961-)

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