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• Short, Frank (England) (1857-1945)
• Short, Frederick Golden (England) (1863-1936)
• Short, Richard (England) (1841-1916)
• Short, David (1900-)
• Short, R. (England)
• Short, Bonnie (USA) (1943-)
• Short, A. Richard (Wales) (1841-1916)
• Shorthouse, Arthur Charles (England) (1870-1953)
• Shortland, Dorothy
• Shortt, Angus H. (Canada) (1908-)
• Shortt, James (jim) W. (Canada) (1926-)
• Shortwell, Helen Harvey (USA) (1908-)
• Shorty, Richard (USA) (1959-)
• Shostak, Peter (Canada) (1943-)
• Shottls, Blanche Shattls
• Shotton, Barney
• Shotton, J.
• Shotwell, Frederich Valpey (1907-)
• Shoudy, T. (USA) (1900-)
• Shoudy, Theodore (1881-)
• Shoulberg, Harry (USA) (1903-1995)
• Shoven, Hazel Brayton (1884-1969)
• Showalter, Max (USA) (1900-)
• Showalter, Charles (USA) (1919-2005)
• Showell, William (Canada) (1903-1985)
• Showell, Ken (USA) (1939-1997)
• Shperer, Ludwig Frantsovich (Russia) (1835-1898)
• Shpoinko, Grigory Andrevitch (Russia)
• Shponko, Grigori Adreevich (Russia) (1926-)
• Shrader, Edwin Roscoe (USA) (1879-1960)
• Shrady, Henry Merwin (USA) (1871-1922)
• Shraga, Vyacheslav (Russia) (1953-)
• Shrand, Dr Hyman (1921-1999)
• Shrapnel, Edward Scope (Canada) (1847-1920)
• Shreeve, Carl (Canada) (1900-)
• Shreiber, Vasili Ivanovich (1850-)
• Shreshtha, Laxman (India) (1939-)
• Shreve, Racket (USA) (1900-)
• Shreve, Anne (USA) (1926-)
• Shriberg, V. (Russia) (1800-)
• Shriver, K. (USA) (1800-)
• Shroder, Walter G.
• Shroeder, Paul
• Shromron, M.
• Shryock, John Carter (1905-)
• Shtarkman, A. (Russia)
• Shtemberg, Victor Karlovich (Russia) (1863-1917)
• Shterenberg, David (1881-1948)
• Shu, Yiqian (1941-)
• Shuang, Li (1957-)
• Shubert, F.
• Shubin, Morris (USA) (1920-)
• Shubnikov, Pavel (Russia) (1900-2000)
• Shubow, David (1913-1998)
• Shue, Adrian Wong (USA) (1900-)
• Shufelt, Robert Shoofly (1935-)
• Shuffrey, J Allen
• Shugrin, Anatoly Ivan (1906-1986)
• Shuji, Wako (Japan)
• Shukhaev, Vasili Ivanovich (Russia) (1887-1972)

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