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Art auction result for Niklaus Stoecklin

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Auctioned pieces | 224 results are found | Page 3 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 14

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 02-02-2012 E Guete! 50.00 x 35.00 in Poster 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 02-02-2012 Vim 50.39 x 35.83 in Poster 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 01-25-2012 Autocars Postaux 50.00 x 35.43 in Color Lithograph 3,000 GBP
(3,894 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-11-2011 Wybert Schützt Vor Husten 23.23 x 33.07 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-05-2011 Deutsche Eisenbahnbrücke 9.65 x 12.87 in Pencil 3,000 CHF
(3,354 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-03-2011 Peintres Naïfs - Kunsthalle Basel 50.39 x 35.43 in Lithograph 400 CHF
(447 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-03-2011 Binaca 50.39 x 35.43 in Lithograph 4,000 CHF
(4,472 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-03-2011 Bell 50.39 x 35.43 in Lithograph 700 CHF
(782 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin 11-28-2011 Restaurant La Pusterla 16.14 x 17.52 in Oil 50,000 CHF
(55,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 11-09-2011 VanitaS-Stillleben Mit Kerze Und Objekten. 18.11 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 08-03-2011 Binaca 50.00 x 35.43 in Poster 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 08-03-2011 E Guete! 50.00 x 34.25 in Poster 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 06-16-2011 Araberin 23.62 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 06-16-2011 Anny Suter 16.14 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 06-16-2011 Häuser Und Landschaft Bei San Gimignano 12.60 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin 05-30-2011 Abbey Schöntal 20.67 x 17.91 in Oil 55,000 CHF
(61,490 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 05-11-2011 Südliche Landschaftspartie. 19.69 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-11-2010 Wybert Schützt Vor Husten 23.23 x 33.07 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-11-2010 Marken Müller 35.43 x 50.39 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 09-25-2010 Kaiserstraße Mit Gotischem Brunnen 4.72 x 6.69 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 09-25-2010 Hafens Mit Leuchtturm. 4.72 x 6.69 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 09-25-2010 "pont Du Gard" 6.69 x 4.72 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 06-17-2010 Stillleben Mit VanitaS-Symbolen 18.11 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 05-03-2010 Vim 50.25 x 35.75 in Print 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 05-03-2010 BI-Oro / AntI-Solaire 50.00 x 35.50 in Print 4,000 USD
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 05-03-2010 Binaca 50.00 x 35.50 in Print 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin Hammer prices and photo for Niklaus Stoecklin 05-03-2010 E Guete! 50.25 x 35.50 in Print 4,000 USD
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-05-2009 Gasthof Zum Goldenen Sternen 12.60 x 15.94 in Lithograph 300 CHF
(335 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-05-2009 Kaserne, Basel 9.45 x 10.83 in Lithograph 200 CHF
(223 USD)
Hammer prices for Niklaus Stoecklin 12-05-2009 Schönheiten Der Natur: Schmetterling, 1943 9.84 x 13.78 in Lithograph 500 CHF
(559 USD)
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