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Art auction result for Antoine Louis Barye

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Auctioned pieces | 1,060 results are found | Page 10 of 36 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 37

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 01-05-2013 Panther Descending A Rocky Hill 15.00 x 9.50 in Plaster 300 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-19-2012 Lion Qui Marche (avec Plinthe Rectangulaire) 8.66 x 0 in Bronze 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-18-2012 Tigre Dévorant Une Antilope (terrasse Avec Profil) 9.84 x 15.35 x 6.69 in Bronze 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-16-2012 Basset Assis 5.71 x 10.63 in Bronze 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-16-2012 Dromadaire D’algerie 6.30 x 0 in Bronze 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-16-2012 Cigogne Posee Sur Une Tortue. 3.15 x 0 in Bronze 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 12-16-2012 Paire De Chandelier Aux Serpents. 9.84 x 0 in Bronze 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-16-2012 Faisan Blesse. 4.72 x 0 in Bronze 2,500 EUR
(2,725 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-16-2012 Ocelot Emportant Un Heron. 7.48 x 12.20 in Bronze 15,000 EUR
(16,350 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-15-2012 Jaguar Dévorant Un Lièvre 22.05 x 9.06 in Bronze 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-13-2012 Eléphant Courant Du Sénégal 9.45 x 12.60 in Bronze 5,100 GBP
(6,619 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 11-28-2012 Unknown 3.94 x 5.91 in Unknown 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 11-28-2012 Girafe 6.81 x 0 in Unknown 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 11-28-2012 Unknown 9.06 x 8.27 in Bronze 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 09-30-2012 Lion And Serpent No. 3 8.00 x 0 in Bronze 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Lionne D'algérie 6.89 x 11.61 in Bronze 5,000 GBP
(6,490 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Lion Qui Marche (walking Lion) 8.74 x 15.55 in Bronze 6,000 GBP
(7,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Taureau Debout (standing Bull) 8.46 x 12.44 in Wood 3,500 GBP
(4,543 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Pair Of Hounds With Pheasants 4.72 x 10.04 in Bronze 3,000 GBP
(3,894 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Lion Au Serpent No. 1 9.65 x 14.29 in Bronze 5,000 GBP
(6,490 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Aigle Ailes Étendues, Bec Fermé (eagle With Beak Shut) 10.04 x 0 in Bronze 7,000 GBP
(9,086 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Lion Dévorant Un Sanglier (lion Devouring A Boar) 7.56 x 13.78 in Bronze 5,000 GBP
(6,490 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Le Duc D'orléans 14.37 x 12.20 in Sculpture 10,000 GBP
(12,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Cheval Surpris Par Un Lion (horse Surprised By A Lion) 17.05 x 15.35 in Bronze 8,000 GBP
(10,384 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-27-2012 Cavalier Arabe Tuant Un Lion (arab Horseman Killing A Lion) 1.77 x 13.98 in Bronze 15,000 GBP
(19,470 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 09-15-2012 Panther Attacking A Stag 15.50 x 22.50 x 8.00 in Bronze 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 09-10-2012 Lion Écransant Un Serpent 13.39 x 0 in Bronze 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-07-2012 Lion Et Serpent No. 1 9.37 x 13.39 x 6.89 in Bronze 3,500 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-07-2012 Vautour Enveloppé Dans Ses Ailes [vulture Wrapped In Its Wings] 4.72 x 4.13 in Bronze 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 09-07-2012 Hibou [owl] 5.91 x 6.30 in Bronze 2,000 USD
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