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Art auction result for Antoine Louis Barye

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Auctioned pieces | 1,060 results are found | Page 14 of 36 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 37

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 06-16-2010 Chien Débusquant Un Canard 3.94 x 5.51 in Bronze 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 06-16-2010 Tigre Dévorant Un Gavial 14.96 x 40.16 in Bronze 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 06-15-2010 Tigre Surprenant Une Antilope 10.24 x 17.72 in Bronze 3,500 EUR
(3,815 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-13-2010 Lions And Tigers 8.75 x 5.80 in Painting 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-08-2010 Cerf La Jambe Levée 7.48 x 6.69 in Bronze 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-08-2010 Untiled 4.53 x 6.50 in Bronze 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-05-2010 Grand Cerf Debout 19.88 x 21.26 x 11.81 in Bronze 2,500 EUR
(2,725 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-05-2010 Chat Assis 3.35 x 0 in Bronze 500 EUR
(545 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-04-2010 Taureau 10.83 x 7.28 in Bronze 18,000 SEK
(1,710 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-02-2010 Thésée Combattant Le Minotaure (seconde Version) (theseus And The Minotaur) 17.32 x 0 in Bronze 50,000 GBP
(64,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-02-2010 Thésée Combattant Le Centaure Biénor (theseus Combating The Centaur Bianor) 16.34 x 14.57 in Bronze 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-02-2010 Cavalier Arabe Tuant Un Lion (an Arab Warrior Slaying A Lion) 15.55 x 11.81 in Bronze 8,000 GBP
(10,384 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-02-2010 Éléphant D'asie (asian Elephant) 4.92 x 5.91 in Bronze 6,000 GBP
(7,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-02-2010 Éléphant Du Sénégal 2.76 x 0 in Bronze 5,000 GBP
(6,490 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 06-02-2010 Tigre Dévorant Un Gavial (première Réduction) (tiger Devouring A Gavial Crocodile) 7.87 x 20.08 in Bronze 15,000 GBP
(19,470 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 05-26-2010 Hercules And The Boar Group 4.92 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 05-07-2010 Trois Études De Panthères Sur Un Même Montage 4.33 x 9.25 in Crayon 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye 04-21-2010 Pies 6.69 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 04-20-2010 Lion With Snake 8.66 x 0 x 11.81 in Bronze 2,500 EUR
(2,725 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 04-13-2010 Untitled 15.55 x 5.51 x 6.30 in Bronze 2,000 GBP
(2,596 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-21-2010 Elephant Du Senegal 7.25 x 5.00 in Bronze 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-21-2010 Le Leopard 4.00 x 5.50 in Bronze 600 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-21-2010 Le Petit Fou De Rome 6.75 x 0 in Bronze 700 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-14-2010 La Lionne D’algérie 7.68 x 11.81 in Bronze 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-14-2010 La Tortue 4.06 x 2.68 in
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-14-2010 Taureau Cabré 8.66 x 9.45 in Bronze 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 02-05-2010 Bull 13.10 x 16.20 in Bronze 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-15-2009 Lion Attaquant Un Cheval 15.35 x 0 in Bronze 1,800 EUR
(1,962 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-14-2009 Cheval Turc 7.48 x 0 in Bronze 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoine Louis Barye Hammer prices and photo for Antoine Louis Barye 12-14-2009 Cheval Percheron 7.87 x 6.30 in Bronze 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)

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