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Art auction result for Paul Hey

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Auctioned pieces | 115 results are found | Page 2 of 4 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 9

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 06-27-2012 Kirchgang 5.83 x 4.02 in Gouache 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 04-19-2012 Gehöft In Weiter, Grüner Hügellandschaft An Einem Sommertag 14.57 x 16.73 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 04-19-2012 Hirten Mit Rind Und Schäfer Rasten Am Wegesrand Mit Blick In Eine Weite Flusslandschaft 5.91 x 10.24 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 03-31-2012 Gieba 12.28 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 03-28-2012 Kelheim - Blick Auf Die Befreiungshalle. 27.56 x 39.37 in Gouache 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 12-10-2011 Junge Frau Im Boot Am Ufer Eines Oberbayerischen Sees In Abendstimmung 3.62 x 5.59 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 11-03-2011 Gehöft In Weiter, Grüner Hügellandschaft An Einem Sommertag 14.57 x 16.73 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 10-11-2011 A Summer’s Day At The Village Pond 11.42 x 14.17 in Mixed Media 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Paul Hey 05-24-2011 Herbst 11.81 x 24.80 in Engraving 70 EUR
(76 USD)
Hammer prices for Paul Hey 05-04-2011 Biwakhütte 5.91 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 12-13-2010 Heilige Familie (waldweihnacht) 11.42 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 12-01-2010 Rast Vor Der Posthalterei. 4.33 x 6.10 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 12-01-2010 Ernteszene. 10.71 x 16.73 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 12-01-2010 Damenpicknick. 5.91 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 10-19-2010 Einsamer Reiter 20.67 x 17.91 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 09-29-2010 Südliche Hafenstadt. 9.45 x 14.76 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 09-11-2010 Der Viktualienmarkt In München 12.99 x 20.47 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 09-11-2010 Vor Dem Städtchen 18.50 x 24.80 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey 09-11-2010 Heuernte 20.08 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 06-30-2010 Wien - Am Hof. 9.21 x 11.22 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 06-19-2010 Blick Von Der Höhe Auf Eine Uferpartie Des Sees 8.50 x 6.02 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 03-30-2010 Ankunft Am Chiemseeufer 3.94 x 5.51 in Gouache 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Paul Hey 12-14-2009 Deutsche VolksliedeR- Bilder 3.15 x 4.72 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey 12-14-2009 Deutsche VolksliedeR-Bilder 3.35 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 12-02-2009 Parade Auf Dem Stadtplatz 7.68 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 10-31-2009 Ausflug Im Frühling 17.72 x 21.65 in Lithograph 80 EUR
(87 USD)
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 10-11-2009 Nice Day 4.45 x 6.38 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey 07-02-2009 Deutsche Volkslieder 5.55 x 3.74 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 07-02-2009 Deutsche Volkslieder 5.51 x 3.74 in
Hammer prices for Paul Hey Hammer prices and photo for Paul Hey 06-13-2009 Die Waldschänke 22.83 x 15.75 in
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