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Art auction result for Gustav Klimt

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Auctioned pieces | 768 results are found | Page 20 of 26 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 16

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 11-08-2006 Kniestück Von Vorne, Den Kopf Nach Rechts (frontal View Of The Knee, Head Turned To The Right) 17.72 x 12.20 in Pencil 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 10-09-2006 Kneeling Nude Woman 21.93 x 14.29 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 10-07-2006 Wasserschlangen 7.87 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 09-30-2006 Der Kuß 28.35 x 19.29 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 09-26-2006 A Group Of Ten Prints From Das Werk Gustav Klimts (portfolio Of 50) 12.00 x 11.75 in Collotype 4,000 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 07-22-2006 Kopie Nach "frauenreigen" 31.10 x 32.68 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-30-2006 Unknown 38.19 x 25.59 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-30-2006 Unknown 39.37 x 25.20 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-23-2006 Stehendes Und Sitzendes Kind Nach Rechts. Wiederholung Der Brustpartie. 17.87 x 12.32 in Pencil 25,000 CHF
(27,950 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-22-2006 Hygieia Von Vome Mit Herabfallendem Gewand 16.97 x 11.50 in Chalk 20,000 GBP
(25,960 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2006 Liegender Halbakt Nach Rechts 14.69 x 22.17 in Crayon 160,000 GBP
(207,680 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2006 Sitzend Nach Links, Die Hände Ineinandergelegt (seated To The Left, Hands Clasped) 17.72 x 12.20 in Pencil 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2006 Fräulein Lieser (miss Lieser) 19.69 x 12.68 in Pencil 35,000 GBP
(45,430 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2006 Liegendes Mädchen (reclining Girl) 17.56 x 12.32 in Pencil 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2006 Sitzend Von Vorne (seated From The Front) 22.28 x 14.41 in Pencil 15,000 GBP
(19,470 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2006 Stehend Mit Erhobenen Unterarmen, Etwas Nach Links (standing Figure With Raised Arms, Slightly To The Left) 21.73 x 13.78 in Pencil 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2006 Kniender Halbakt (kneeling HalF-Nude) 21.97 x 14.57 in Crayon 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2006 Nach Links Stehend (standing To The Left) 22.24 x 14.57 in Pencil 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-15-2006 Stehende Dame Mit Cape Von Vorne (adele BlocH-Bauer) 17.52 x 12.52 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-15-2006 Liegender Halbakt Nach Rechts 14.45 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-10-2006 Kauernder Halbakt Nach Rechts. 14.76 x 22.52 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-31-2006 Zwei Studien Einer Schwurhand. 17.52 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-31-2006 Ohne Titel. 59.65 x 37.40 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-30-2006 Bust Of A Girl With Long Hair 17.32 x 12.20 in Pencil 40,000 EUR
(43,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-30-2006 Portrait Of Magda MautneR-Markhof With Folded Hands 17.68 x 13.78 in Chalk 20,000 EUR
(21,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-30-2006 Portrait Of A Woman 22.36 x 14.57 in Pencil 13,000 EUR
(14,170 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-30-2006 Mäda Primavesi 21.85 x 14.49 in Pencil 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-15-2006 25 Drawings 23.62 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 04-30-2006 Study For Three Ages Of Woman 17.72 x 12.60 in Crayon 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 03-07-2006 Kopf Eines Kleinen Mädchens 9.84 x 6.30 in Pencil 9,000 USD

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