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Art auction result for Ferdinand Leeke

1859 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 86 results are found | Page 3 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 8

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 09-19-2007 Herzog Wittekind 11.61 x 19.09 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 08-14-2007 Forest Scenery 36.61 x 49.21 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 07-04-2007 Frauenakt Auf Einem Felsen Im Meer Liegend, Von Tosendem Wasser Umgeben. 39.37 x 58.27 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 06-27-2007 Gutrune Überreicht Siegfried Den Giftigen Trunk 42.32 x 57.28 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 06-22-2007 Die Erzählerin 46.06 x 58.66 in Oil 6,800 EUR
(7,412 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 01-09-2007 Three Nymphs In A Glade 38.78 x 52.76 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 12-10-2006 The Warrior's Return 59.00 x 45.00 in Oil 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 11-18-2006 Die Erzählerin 46.06 x 58.66 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 09-22-2006 Germanen Beim Trinkgelage Unter Einer Eiche. 39.76 x 48.03 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 09-22-2006 Germanen Beim Würfelspiel. 48.62 x 40.55 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 04-26-2006 Wagenrennen - Pferderennen In Rom 10-50 Nach Christus 14.17 x 19.88 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 01-28-2006 Rhinemaidens Regaining The Ring From Hagen 48.00 x 60.00 in Oil 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 01-24-2006 At King Laurin's Table 31.89 x 39.76 in Oil 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Leeke 01-12-2006 Wanderin Vor Gebirgskapelle 12.20 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 11-18-2005 Porträt Einer Sitzenden Vornehmen Dame, Den Blick Über Die Schulter Gewandt 39.37 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 09-08-2005 Historisierende Schlachtenszene 36.61 x 49.61 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 06-28-2005 'three Rhine Maidens 39.00 x 53.00 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 06-24-2005 Meerjungfrau Am Gestade 28.74 x 52.76 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 06-14-2005 Wotan And Brünnhilde 57.48 x 42.13 in Oil 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 01-13-2005 Lohengrin Und Der Schwan 12.40 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 11-16-2004 The Vision Of St. Hubertus 46.50 x 59.49 in Oil 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 10-22-2004 Longing 53.54 x 39.76 in Oil 3,400 EUR
(3,706 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 07-08-2004 Wanderin Vor Gebirgskapelle 12.20 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 03-09-2004 A Nymph 29.13 x 53.54 in Oil 3,500 EUR
(3,815 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 12-10-2003 Siegfried, 12.40 x 8.35 in Oil 2,200 EUR
(2,398 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Leeke 12-03-2003 The Mermaids 37.40 x 48.82 in Oil 15,000 GBP
(19,470 USD)
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