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Art auction result for Kamil Lhotak

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Auctioned pieces | 222 results are found | Page 3 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 2

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne Well Dressed 6.06 x 4.25 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne In Apron 6.14 x 4.09 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne Reading A Letter 5.94 x 4.17 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne Leaning Against The Wall 6.02 x 4.25 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne In Black Jacket 6.02 x 4.21 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne With Handbag 5.98 x 4.06 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne Leaning Forward 6.06 x 4.21 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Airship 1.97 x 3.74 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Musketeer 6.30 x 4.65 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne At A Table 6.02 x 4.25 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Running Anne 6.02 x 4.17 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne In Cloak And A Beret 6.02 x 4.13 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne From Profile 6.02 x 4.13 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Figure Of Anne Without Head 6.02 x 4.21 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 In Pilsner Brewery 6.50 x 4.09 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne In Apron With Bow 6.02 x 4.25 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Anne In Apron 5.98 x 4.17 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Sitting Anne 5.98 x 4.17 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Parník Za Obzorem 18.90 x 23.03 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 06-19-2014 Balloon (pf 1983 Dr. F. Dvo?ák) 4.33 x 2.83 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-25-2014 Stromovka 8.66 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-25-2014 Motorcycles 4.72 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-25-2014 Red Tram 15.75 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-25-2014 Red Object 31.10 x 15.16 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-25-2014 Annie 12.20 x 4.72 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-25-2014 Desert Machine 12.48 x 16.34 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-24-2014 Race Cars 21.85 x 15.94 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-24-2014 Airport 7.09 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 05-20-2014 Na Francouzské RiviéŘe 5.71 x 10.43 in
Hammer prices for Kamil Lhotak Hammer prices and photo for Kamil Lhotak 04-24-2014 Cone In Countryside Pf 1972 Dr. F. Dvorák 2.91 x 4.53 in
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