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Art auction result for Charlie Johnson Payne

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Auctioned pieces | 154 results are found | Page 1 of 6 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 03-26-2015 Wipers 11.22 x 8.07 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne 02-17-2015 A Fire Eater 11.02 x 33.07 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne 11-07-2013 The Huntsman 15.75 x 14.17 in Print 250 GBP
(324 USD)
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Optimist', Christmas Card 4.53 x 10.83 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 More Bandobast 0 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 The Worst View In Europe 18.11 x 28.94 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 Snaffles 17.91 x 28.94 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 Snaffles 18.31 x 25.79 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Gent In Ratcatcher' 16.34 x 14.57 in Print 500 GBP
(649 USD)
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Timber Merchant' 18.90 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'andsome IS-' 18.90 x 16.73 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'merry England' 15.16 x 13.58 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the SparroW-Catchin Sort' 18.70 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Sojer Officers 1906-9.' 11.81 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 A National Candidate 18.90 x 17.32 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 Soldiers 16.54 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Forward Heat "?"' 17.72 x 26.38 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Staff College Drag Hunt.' 21.26 x 29.13 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Sportsman, Who Hunts For The Love Of It.' 11.42 x 11.61 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'i Would Bring Such Fishes Back' 20.47 x 21.46 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'ubique MeanT-' 19.09 x 26.77 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Heavies.' (rare) 19.88 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'jock (k.i.)' 17.13 x 13.19 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'once Upon A Time' 19.29 x 24.41 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'that Far, FaR-Away Echo' (huntsman Without Fox) 14.57 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'punching Through It.' (rare) 16.34 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'king Edward's Own' (lancers) 'indian Cavalree.' 12.99 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the Faughs' And 'the Ram Corps' 12.40 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 The Dragoon Sojer 'ossiffer Is The Most Dangerous And May Be Known By The Viskers Under Is Nose' 16.14 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Charlie Johnson Payne Hammer prices and photo for Charlie Johnson Payne 10-30-2013 'the 30th Foot.', A Standing Officer 10.83 x 7.48 in
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