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Art auction result for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck

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Auctioned pieces | 118 results are found | Page 2 of 4 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 19

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 03-03-2008 Vandringsman. 4.53 x 3.15 in Painting 4,000 SEK
(380 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 03-03-2008 Läsande Man. 4.53 x 3.15 in Painting 5,000 SEK
(475 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 02-04-2008 Efter Rafael 3.15 x 4.53 in Painting 5,000 SEK
(475 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 02-04-2008 Unknown 3.15 x 4.53 in Painting 5,000 SEK
(475 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 02-04-2008 Mansstudie. 4.53 x 3.15 in Painting 5,000 SEK
(475 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 01-08-2008 Konvalescenten 18.11 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 12-17-2007 Konvalescenten 18.11 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 12-12-2007 Maisema 4.13 x 9.45 in Watercolor 3,500 EUR
(3,815 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 12-12-2007 Äiti Ja Lapsi 1.77 x 1.97 in Wash 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 12-12-2007 Kuutamokävely 13.39 x 9.06 in Print 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-29-2007 Konvalecenten 19.29 x 26.57 in Color Lithograph 40,000 SEK
(3,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-27-2007 Konvalescenten 14.17 x 21.65 in Color Lithograph 60,000 SEK
(5,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-27-2007 "kostymbild" (bagarens Dotter/kvinna I Vitt) 17.91 x 10.83 in Lithograph 30,000 SEK
(2,850 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-27-2007 Flickhuvud 13.78 x 11.02 in Watercolor 250,000 SEK
(23,750 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-27-2007 Hund 4.53 x 3.15 in Lead 8,000 SEK
(760 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-27-2007 Putti ("efter Rafael") 3.15 x 4.53 in Lead 9,000 SEK
(855 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-27-2007 Kvinnoakt 4.53 x 3.15 in Lead 8,000 SEK
(760 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-27-2007 Hand 3.15 x 4.53 in Lead 9,000 SEK
(855 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 08-27-2007 Konvalescenten 18.11 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 08-27-2007 Konfirmanden 18.11 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 08-13-2007 Konvalescenten 18.11 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 06-26-2007 Hortensia (hydrangea) 16.73 x 23.62 in Oil 300,000 GBP
(389,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 06-26-2007 Höns Bland Höstackar (chickens Among Haystacks) 10.24 x 13.78 in Oil 80,000 GBP
(103,840 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 05-29-2007 Bilderboken 11.02 x 16.14 in Lithograph 60,000 SEK
(5,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 05-29-2007 Kostymbild (bagarens Dotter/ Kvinna I Vitt) 17.91 x 10.83 in Lithograph 25,000 SEK
(2,375 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 05-29-2007 Barnet På Bänken 10.04 x 8.07 in Canvas 1,000,000 SEK
(95,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 05-26-2007 Valkovuokkoja 10.63 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 03-30-2007 Portrait De Jeune Fille 17.13 x 14.17 in Oil 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 11-30-2006 Vännerna 14.76 x 17.91 in Charcoal 200,000 SEK
(19,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck Hammer prices and photo for Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck 10-31-2006 Ryöväri Paratiisin Portilla Rövaren Vid Paradisets Port (robber At The Gate Of Paradise) 32.87 x 24.61 in Oil 800,000 GBP
(1,038,400 USD)
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