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Art auction result for Andy Warhol

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Auctioned pieces | 13,392 results are found | Page 117 of 447 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 197

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 Marilyn Suite Of Ten 36.00 x 36.00 in Screenprint 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 Marilin 35.83 x 35.83 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 Marilin 35.83 x 35.83 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 Marilin 35.83 x 35.83 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 Marilin 35.83 x 35.83 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 Georgia O'keeffe 4.25 x 3.35 in Print 7,000 GBP
(9,086 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 Roy Lichtenstein 4.25 x 3.35 in Print 7,000 GBP
(9,086 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 SelF-Portrait (camouflage) 80.00 x 80.00 in Acrylic 9,000,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 05-15-2013 Cagney 29.96 x 39.88 in Print 7,500,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-14-2013 Red Lenin 39.37 x 29.45 in Silkscreen 800,000 SEK
(76,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-14-2013 Campbell's Soup Can On Shopping Bag 23.43 x 16.93 in Silkscreen 20,000 SEK
(1,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-14-2013 "cantaloupes", From: "space Fruit: StilL-Lives". 23.82 x 35.20 in Silkscreen 60,000 SEK
(5,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-14-2013 SelF-Portrait 40.87 x 27.95 in Silkscreen 20,000 SEK
(1,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-14-2013 Mao 35.98 x 35.98 in Serigraph 225,000 SEK
(21,375 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-14-2013 Frölunda Hockey Player 39.37 x 31.50 in Silkscreen 50,000 SEK
(4,750 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-14-2013 Fish 42.32 x 29.72 in Silkscreen 10,000 SEK
(950 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-14-2013 Cars Mercedes 300 Sl Gulwing. 15.75 x 23.62 in Silkscreen 30,000 SEK
(2,850 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-13-2013 Flowers 36.00 x 36.00 in Silkscreen 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-13-2013 Blackglama 38.00 x 38.00 in Silkscreen 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-13-2013 Untitled V 7.00 x 10.00 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-13-2013 Untitled Vii 7.25 x 10.50 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-13-2013 Untitled X 7.75 x 10.50 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-13-2013 Untitled Xiii 7.75 x 10.00 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-13-2013 Untitled Xiv 8.00 x 9.50 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-13-2013 Untitled Xvi 7.50 x 3.75 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-09-2013 Flowers 19.69 x 19.69 in Screenprint 6,000 AUD
(4,068 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-05-2013 Shoe Bright, Shoe Light, First Shoe I've Seen Tonight 9.76 x 13.74 in Watercolor 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 05-05-2013 See A Shoe And Pick It Up And All Day Long You'll Have Good Luck 9.76 x 13.74 in Watercolor 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 05-02-2013 Liz (feldman & Schellmann Ii.7) 23.07 x 23.19 in Lithograph 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 05-02-2013 Pepper Pot 34.88 x 22.87 in Screenprint 15,000 USD

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