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Art auction result for Andy Warhol

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Auctioned pieces | 13,392 results are found | Page 64 of 447 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 197

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 11-11-2014 Judy Garland (multicolor) 40.00 x 40.00 in Acrylic 1,500,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 11-11-2014 Portrait Of Johann Wolfgang Goethe 78.74 x 82.68 in Acrylic 4,000,000 USD
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Golden Marilyn 11.37 35.83 x 35.83 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Marilyn Monroe 11.26 35.83 x 35.83 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Marilyn Monroe, Castelli Graphics Invitation 12.05 x 12.01 in Color Lithograph 120,000 ZAR
(6,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Flowers 73.23 x 73.23 in Unknown 18,000 EUR
(19,620 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Mick Jagger 43.54 x 28.58 in Serigraph 22,000 EUR
(23,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Electric Chair 35.39 x 47.87 in Serigraph 80,000 SEK
(7,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Electric Chair 35.39 x 47.87 in Serigraph 80,000 SEK
(7,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Mick Jagger 43.70 x 29.02 in Screenprint 225,000 SEK
(21,375 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Pears (from Space Fruits: Still Lifes) 30.00 x 39.92 in Serigraph 60,000 SEK
(5,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-10-2014 Details Of Renaissance Paintings, Leonard Da Vinci, The Annunciation 25.20 x 37.40 in Silkscreen 100,000 SEK
(9,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Moonwalk (two Works) 38.00 x 38.00 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Quadrant 40.00 x 32.00 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Eva Mudocci (after Munch) 40.00 x 32.00 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 $ (1) 19.69 x 15.71 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Old Fashioned Vegetable (from Campbell's Soup Ii) 32.01 x 22.99 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Golden Mushroom (from Campbell's Soup Ii) 35.00 x 22.99 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Sarah Bernhardt (from Ten Portraits Of Jews Of The Twentieth Century) 40.00 x 32.01 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Kimiko 35.98 x 35.98 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Van Heusen (from The Ads Portfolio) 37.99 x 37.99 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Watermelon (from Space Fruit: Still Lifes) 30.00 x 39.88 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Heart 4.25 x 3.39 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-08-2014 Heart 4.25 x 3.39 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 11-06-2014 Portrait Of Ingrid Bergman 8.27 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 11-06-2014 Portrait Of Ingrid Bergman 8.27 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol 11-06-2014 Portrait Of Ingrid Bergman 8.27 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-05-2014 Flowers 40.75 x 27.24 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-05-2014 Gems 30.00 x 40.00 in
Hammer prices for Andy Warhol Hammer prices and photo for Andy Warhol 11-05-2014 Mildred Scheel 30.51 x 21.65 in

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