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Art auction result for Wilhelm Loth

1920 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 54 results are found | Page 2 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 4

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Loth 03-23-2007 Liegende 2.36 x 5.51 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 12-09-2006 Weibliche Akte 23.90 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Loth 12-02-2006 Untitled 19.29 x 12.40 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 09-23-2006 Abstrakter Weiblicher Torso Mit Gespreizten Schenkeln 27.17 x 15.35 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 09-23-2006 Liegende 2.36 x 5.51 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 09-23-2006 Kleines Relief Nach Olivia 17.32 x 15.35 x 4.33 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 09-02-2006 Tor Mit WeiblicH-Antropomorphen Formen 12.44 x 10.35 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 02-11-2006 Torso 15.55 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 12-01-2005 Sitzender Torso 19.72 x 13.94 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 12-01-2005 Ohne Titel 19.21 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 10-28-2005 Tor Mit WeiblicH-Antropomorphen Formen. Um 1976 12.44 x 10.35 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 10-28-2005 Weiblicher Torso 25.98 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 12-02-2004 Ohne Titel. 19.84 x 25.79 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 12-02-2004 Kleinplastik 27/67 - Busenobjekt (i). 2.76 x 5.31 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 10-29-2004 Stehender Weiblicher Akt 11.10 x 4.10 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 10-29-2004 2 Bll. Ohne Titel 17.05 x 26.18 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 10-23-2004 Hockender Weiblicher Akt. 2 Blatt 24.80 x 18.98 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 10-23-2004 Weiblicher Akt 9.72 x 10.00 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 06-04-2004 Plastik 2/68 - Frauentorso Im Pfeiler 1968-1971 70.47 x 25.98 x 24.61 in Aluminum 15,000 EUR
(16,350 USD)
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 05-15-2004 Frauenakt 18.90 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 05-15-2004 Ohne Titel 21.26 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 05-15-2004 Relief 11/59 - Relief V Aus Der Reihe: Reliefs Zum Thema Torso 22.83 x 17.72 x 2.36 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 05-15-2004 Kleinplastik 14/69 - Studie Nach Dem Kleinen Mädchen Aus G. / Segment - Biomorph (ii). 6.50 x 2.95 x 7.28 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Loth 04-30-2004 Untitled 30.31 x 25.59 in
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