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Art auction result for Egon Schiele

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Auctioned pieces | 641 results are found | Page 15 of 22 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 15

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-07-2007 Selbstbildnis Mit Kariertem Hemd (selF-Portrait With Checkered Shirt) 17.91 x 11.81 in Gouache 6,500,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-07-2007 Halbakt, Rückenansicht (semI-Nude, Back View) 19.49 x 12.48 in Crayon 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 11-07-2007 Porträt Des Komponisten Arthur Löwenstein (portrait Of The Composer Arthur Löwenstein) 9.25 x 9.17 in Pencil 250,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-07-2007 Brustbild Eines Jungen Mannes 17.99 x 11.50 in Crayon 120,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-07-2007 Stehender Weiblicher Akt, Aufwärts Blickend 18.27 x 11.50 in Charcoal 300,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-07-2007 Männlicher Torso (körper Und Arm) 17.64 x 12.36 in Gouache 900,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-07-2007 Segelschiff Mit Spiegelung Im Wasser 9.50 x 7.00 in Oil 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-07-2007 Ängstlich Kauerndes Junges Mädchen 12.76 x 18.86 in Watercolor 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 11-06-2007 Stehender Mönch Von Rechts Hinten 18.86 x 12.48 in Pencil 650,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 10-31-2007 Femme Allongée En Tenue Légère 18.11 x 11.77 in
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 09-20-2007 Bildnis Franz Hauer 5.12 x 4.33 in Drypoint 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 09-20-2007 Kuemmernis (kallir 7b) 18.70 x 12.20 in Drypoint 4,000 GBP
(5,192 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-20-2007 Porträt Hugo Sonnenschein (portrait Of Hugo Sonnenschein) 16.61 x 11.02 in Crayon 45,000 GBP
(58,410 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-20-2007 Sitzender Weiblicher Rückenakt (seated Female Nude From Behind) 18.70 x 12.48 in Watercolor 70,000 GBP
(90,860 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-20-2007 Danzatrice 25.00 x 17.20 in Pen 40,000 GBP
(51,920 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-19-2007 Männlicher Akt (male Nude) 17.76 x 12.01 in Watercolor 1,200,000 GBP
(1,557,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele 06-19-2007 Männlicher Akt Mit Verkürzten Armen (male Nude With Truncated Arms) 17.32 x 11.50 in Gouache 800,000 GBP
(1,038,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-19-2007 Akt 17.99 x 11.50 in Charcoal 180,000 GBP
(233,640 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-19-2007 Stehendes Mädchen Mit Hut 17.72 x 11.22 in Charcoal 100,000 GBP
(129,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-18-2007 Mädchenkopf (frau Sohn) 14.17 x 11.81 in Charcoal 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-18-2007 Liegender Weiblicher Akt 12.40 x 18.98 in Pencil 800,000 GBP
(1,038,400 USD)
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-14-2007 Kümmernis 18.78 x 12.44 in
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-14-2007 Kauernde 18.82 x 12.44 in
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 06-02-2007 Schnee 8.46 x 6.81 in
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-10-2007 Das Schlafende Mädchen 19.02 x 12.24 in Pencil 300,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-09-2007 Sitzender Weiblicher Halbakt In Grüner Bluse 18.82 x 12.60 in Gouache 4,000,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-09-2007 Selbstbildnis 17.48 x 12.44 in Watercolor 2,500,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-09-2007 Rufer 18.98 x 12.28 in Watercolor 1,800,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-09-2007 Sitzender Frauenakt 18.19 x 12.40 in Gouache 1,000,000 USD
Hammer prices for Egon Schiele Hammer prices and photo for Egon Schiele 05-09-2007 Selbstbildnis 19.02 x 12.40 in Watercolor 1,000,000 USD

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