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Art auction result for George Wesley Bellows

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Auctioned pieces | 614 results are found | Page 16 of 21 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 39

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 09-15-2007 Irish Fair, 1923 19.00 x 20.75 in Lithograph 2,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 09-15-2007 Jean In A Black Hat 13.00 x 10.00 in Lithograph 4,500 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 09-12-2007 Seated Nude 10.24 x 12.52 in Pencil 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 09-06-2007 Dance In A Madhouse, 1917 18.50 x 24.21 in Lithograph 9,000 CAD
(6,597 USD)
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 07-21-2007 Artists Judging Works Of Art 15.25 x 20.00 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows 05-23-2007 Sun Shadows 15.51 x 20.00 in Oil 350,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows 05-23-2007 Sunday In The Park 10.00 x 7.76 in Crayon 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows 05-23-2007 Jersey Woods 25.51 x 29.49 in Oil 600,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows 05-03-2007 In The Park, Dark (mason 30) 21.65 x 31.30 in Lithograph 8,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows 05-03-2007 Billy Sunday (m. 143) 15.75 x 21.85 in Lithograph 14,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 05-02-2007 Solitude 17.13 x 15.39 in Lithograph 900 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 04-21-2007 Reducing 18.50 x 17.50 in Lithograph 500 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 03-26-2007 The Crowd 14.76 x 11.73 in
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 03-06-2007 In An Elevator 10.04 x 8.07 in Lithograph 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 03-06-2007 Two Girls 7.80 x 8.82 in Lithograph 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 03-06-2007 Nude Study, Woman Kneeling On A Pillow 9.37 x 7.01 in Lithograph 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 03-06-2007 Girl Fixing Her Hair 8.78 x 7.05 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 03-06-2007 Jean In A Black Hat 10.63 x 9.17 in Lithograph 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows 11-29-2006 Edge Of The Pasture - Glow Of The Sun 17.99 x 22.01 in Oil 80,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 10-31-2006 Dempsey And Firpo (mason 181) 17.99 x 22.32 in Lithograph 40,000 EUR
(43,600 USD)
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 10-31-2006 In The Park, Dark. 16.77 x 21.50 in Lithograph 3,500 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 10-31-2006 Dempsey And Firpo. 18.07 x 22.36 in Lithograph 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 10-21-2006 Dempsey Vs. Ferpo 15.98 x 20.98 in Lithograph 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 09-26-2006 Dance In A Madhouse (mason 49) 18.50 x 24.41 in Lithograph 4,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 09-14-2006 Billy Sunday 8.90 x 17.36 in Lithograph 10,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 09-14-2006 Punchinello In The House Of Death. 16.10 x 19.45 in Lithograph 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows 09-01-2006 A Forest Stream With Rapids 17.50 x 20.50 in Oil 50,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 08-22-2006 Monhegan 1913 18.00 x 20.00 in Oil 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 08-22-2006 Dempsey And Firpo 17.00 x 21.50 in Lithograph 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for George Wesley Bellows Hammer prices and photo for George Wesley Bellows 06-21-2006 Male Bather 8.10 x 9.00 in Crayon 2,000 USD

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