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Art auction result for Max Ernst

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Auctioned pieces | 2,908 results are found | Page 59 of 97 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 82

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 Nièces. 18.23 x 17.91 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 L’interdit Ramait Content. 18.50 x 15.28 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 Stadt. Farb. 10.83 x 14.17 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 Geheimnis Der Liebe. 24.80 x 19.57 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 Vademecum Mobile - Ihr Seid Gewarnt. 17.13 x 19.13 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 Les Chiens Ont Soif. 17.99 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 Musée De L’homme. 10.24 x 7.28 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 KleisT-BrentanO-Arnim. Caspar David Friedrich. 13.27 x 10.24 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-08-2007 Festin. 19.09 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 12-07-2007 Tout En Un Plus Un, 1971 14.57 x 10.43 in Etching 500 GBP
(649 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 12-07-2007 Untitled 9.72 x 7.80 in Etching 1,800 CHF
(2,012 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 12-07-2007 Ohne Titel. 8.19 x 4.25 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 12-06-2007 Landschaft 9.06 x 17.52 in Oil 18,000 EUR
(19,620 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 12-06-2007 Rabenburg 9.06 x 6.30 in Oil 35,000 EUR
(38,150 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-03-2007 Deux Assistants 14.65 x 0 in Bronze 80,000 EUR
(87,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 12-01-2007 Après Moi Le Xx. Siècle 11.57 x 9.92 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 12-01-2007 Deux Oiseaux 13.07 x 24.09 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-29-2007 Rhythmes (spies & Leppien 48) 16.61 x 10.63 in Color Lithograph 1,500 GBP
(1,947 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-29-2007 Zodiaque (s&l. 211) 12.09 x 8.86 in Etching 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-29-2007 Georges RibemonT-Dessaignes, La Ballade Du Soldat, Pierre Chave, 1972 (s&l 218) 15.04 x 10.94 in Unknown 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-28-2007 Ohne Titel 1971 13.19 x 7.76 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-28-2007 Tête À Cornes 1959 11.85 x 7.99 x 1.22 in Wood 22,000 EUR
(23,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 11-28-2007 Tête (soleil) 1959 8.27 x 8.27 in Wood 10,000 EUR
(10,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-28-2007 Tête (egyptienne) 1959 3.19 x 2.95 in Plastic 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-28-2007 Tête Modern Art 2.56 x 2.95 in Unknown 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-28-2007 Aquarium 6.77 x 6.73 x 1.26 in Wood 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-28-2007 Oiseau Tête Penchée 4.53 x 2.83 in Unknown 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-28-2007 Flûte Enchantée 18.00 x 13.00 in Pastel 6,000 GBP
(7,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-27-2007 La Belle Jardiniere 14.37 x 10.83 in Color Lithograph 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 11-25-2007 Composition 15.00 x 13.00 in Aquatint 1,500 USD

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