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Art auction result for Jacob Lawrence

1917 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 248 results are found | Page 7 of 9 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 21

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 06-24-2008 The Swearing in 17.99 x 27.99 in Color Screenprint 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence 05-22-2008 Psychiatric Therapy 18.27 x 23.27 in Tempera 175,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 05-21-2008 Ventriloquist 20.00 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 05-20-2008 Robert Penn Warren, New Dawn: Hiroshima, New York, The Limited Editions Club (n. 83-1) 0 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 04-29-2008 Workshop 22.52 x 17.52 in
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 04-27-2008 From The Legend Of John Brown Series 20.00 x 13.20 in Screenprint 2,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 Untitled (street Scene) 22.44 x 15.08 in Brush 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 The Builders (the Family) 30.00 x 22.13 in Screenprint 9,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 People In Other Rooms (harlem Street Scene) 24.49 x 18.50 in Screenprint 9,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 Morning Still Life 24.02 x 17.52 in Screenprint 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 The Swearing in 17.99 x 27.99 in Screenprint 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 John Brown's Victory At Black Jack Drove ... . 20.00 x 14.02 in Screenprint 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 July 3, 1859, John Brown Stocked 20.00 x 14.02 in Screenprint 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 No. 4, People In The Park 12.87 x 10.04 in Screenprint 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 The First Book Of Moses Called Genesis 19.61 x 14.37 in Screenprint 10,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 Ten Builders. 10.75 x 16.77 in Etching 9,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 The Life Of Toussaint L'ouverture Series 28.50 x 18.50 in Screenprint 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 Five Builders With Tool Box. 10.75 x 16.77 in Etching 9,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 02-19-2008 Two Builders Playing Chess 10.75 x 16.77 in Etching 9,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 11-29-2007 Builders No. 1 30.51 x 22.01 in Gouache 500,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 11-29-2007 Seamstresses 9.02 x 12.01 in Tempera 500,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 11-04-2007 The 1920's...the Migrants Arrive And Cast Their Ballots 31.85 x 24.21 in Print 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 10-31-2007 Workshop 22.48 x 17.48 in Lithograph 10,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 10-31-2007 Morning Still Life 24.02 x 17.52 in Screenprint 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence 10-30-2007 Eight Passages, New York 28.43 x 42.40 in Lithograph 45,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 10-04-2007 The Legend Of John Brown 20.00 x 25.87 in Etching 160,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 06-24-2007 A Negro Woman 9.37 x 6.46 in Ink 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 05-24-2007 The Builders 20.00 x 24.02 in Tempera 600,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 05-24-2007 Men At Work 15.75 x 19.76 in Gouache 80,000 USD
Hammer prices for Jacob Lawrence Hammer prices and photo for Jacob Lawrence 05-20-2007 Hiroshima 12.48 x 9.49 in Screenprint 3,000 USD
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