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Art auction result for Harry Bertoia

1915 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 372 results are found | Page 10 of 13 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 2

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 04-22-2006 Untitled 8.25 x 6.50 in Monotype 900 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 04-22-2006 Untitled 17.50 x 22.00 in Monotype 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 04-22-2006 "sonambient Sound Sculpture", Ca. 1970 53.50 x 12.00 x 12.00 in Aluminum 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 04-22-2006 Untitled 21.25 x 13.00 in Monotype 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 04-22-2006 Untitled, Late 1950s 22.00 x 15.75 in Monotype 1,400 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 04-22-2006 Untitled, Late 1950s 21.50 x 13.00 in Monotype 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 04-22-2006 Untitled, Ca. 1970 14.25 x 21.50 in Monotype 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 04-06-2006 Untitled 28.90 x 0 in Steel 6,000 GBP
(7,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Bracelet 2.76 x 9.84 x 0.59 in Silver 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Untitled (hanging Form) 3.15 x 3.15 x 14.17 in Copper 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Untitled (directly Formed Bronze) 2.07 x 0.79 x 2.66 in Bronze 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Untitled (welded Form) 2.36 x 1.57 x 4.72 in Bronze 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Untitled (bush Form) 2.95 x 2.56 x 2.46 in Copper 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Untitled (sonambient) 4.72 x 4.72 x 27.76 in Sculpture 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Untitled (gong) 5.12 x 0 in Bronze 8,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Untitled (gong) 4.72 x 0 in Bronze 8,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-28-2006 Untitled (sonambient) 2.76 x 2.76 x 7.09 in Copper 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 03-16-2006 Screen Sculpture (innovated Solar Reflected In Colors) 7.87 x 47.24 x 1.97 in Sculpture 40,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 03-16-2006 Sounding Sculpture 21.65 x 7.99 x 7.99 in Copper 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 03-16-2006 Untitled 47.95 x 25.98 x 22.01 in Copper 22,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia Hammer prices and photo for Harry Bertoia 03-15-2006 Untitled 25.00 x 28.46 x 7.87 in Bronze 8,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 01-10-2006 Untitled 10.51 x 42.52 x 10.24 in Bronze 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 01-10-2006 Untitled 67.99 x 14.02 x 14.02 in Copper 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 01-10-2006 Untitled 37.01 x 0 in Steel 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 12-04-2005 Untitled 24.00 x 18.00 in Oil 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 12-04-2005 Untitled 39.00 x 24.00 in Print 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 12-04-2005 Sculpture 74.50 x 15.25 x 15.25 in Silver 90,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 12-04-2005 Sound Sculpture 78.00 x 14.02 x 14.02 in Copper 50,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 12-04-2005 Sound Sculpture 103.00 x 15.75 x 15.75 in Copper 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Bertoia 12-04-2005 Sound Pod 35.98 x 95.98 x 99.49 in Steel 40,000 USD
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