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Art auction result for Bernd Funke

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Auctioned pieces | 54 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 18

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke 02-19-2018 Portrait Eines Bärtigen, Alten Mannes Mit Tiroler Hut 11.81 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke 02-19-2018 Portrait Eines Weiàÿhaarigen, Alten Mannes Mit Langem Bart 8.46 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 04-16-2015 Portrait Eines Pfeife Rauchenden, Bärtigen Mannes Mit Filzhut 12.20 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 04-16-2015 Pferdekopf 19.88 x 15.94 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 04-16-2015 Bunter Blumenstrauß In Weißer Vase 23.82 x 19.88 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 10-25-2014 Blumenstück Mit Mais. 23.23 x 19.29 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 09-17-2013 The Model Dresses up 37.40 x 28.74 in Oil 25,000 DKK
(3,650 USD)
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 01-30-2013 Zigarettenraucher 19.69 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke 10-27-2012 Unknown 7.87 x 5.71 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 10-27-2012 Portät Eines Bärtigen 16.14 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 07-17-2012 Jahreszeitenstillleben 15.75 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 02-23-2012 Sommerblumen 19.69 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 10-28-2011 Porträt Eines Älteren Mannes Mit Pfeiffe 19.69 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 10-28-2011 PferdekopF-Brauner 23.62 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 10-28-2011 PferdekopF-Schimmel 23.62 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 02-06-2011 A Portrait Of A Bearded Gentleman; Also Another Portrait By The Same Hand 9.00 x 7.25 in Oil 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 11-18-2010 Vorfrühling 24.41 x 34.65 in Oil 900 EUR
(981 USD)
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 04-20-2010 La Toilette 35.83 x 28.35 in Oil 1,800 GBP
(2,336 USD)
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 04-15-2010 Gewitterstimmung Am Chiemsee Mit Einigen Segelbooten 15.75 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 03-24-2010 Blumenstrauß In Der Vase 15.75 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 12-05-2009 Nordische Feldlandschaft Im Frühling 19.29 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 12-05-2009 Prächtiger Wiesenblumenstrauß In Weißer Porzellanvase 24.41 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 12-05-2009 Baumbestandene Flusslandschaft Mit Schilfhütte Am Ufer 19.69 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 10-10-2009 Herbstliche Norddeutsche Landschaft Mit Feldweg. 14.17 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 09-17-2009 Bunter Wiesenblumenstrauß In Roter Vase 23.62 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 09-12-2009 Schafherde 15.75 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 06-20-2009 Blumenstilleben In Einer Vase 23.62 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Funke 04-23-2009 Gewitterstimmung Am Chiemsee Mit Einigen Segelbooten 15.75 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke 04-22-2009 Charakterkopf 9.25 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Funke 04-22-2009 Portrait Eines Bärtigen Bauern 11.81 x 9.45 in
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