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Art auction result for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo)

1922 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 3,606 results are found | Page 121 of 121 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 241

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-03-2002 Woman And Fish 17.13 x 20.47 in Ceramic 892 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-03-2002 Jeune Femme Dans Un Paysage Exotique 18.35 x 15.35 in Monotype 2,777 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-03-2002 Two Women, A Dog And A Bird 17.32 x 12.80 in Lithograph 2,777 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-29-2002 Le Soleil Rouge 25.87 x 19.96 in Color Lithograph 595 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-29-2002 Ohne Titel 15.79 x 22.36 in Color Lithograph 496 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2002 Vogel Und Katze 11.60 x 12.60 in Woodcut 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)

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