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Art auction result for Desmond Carrick

1928 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 263 results are found | Page 9 of 9 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 6

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Valley Cultivation Below Frigiliana, Spain 18.00 x 24.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 09-30-2013 Viaduct And Old Sugar Factory. Nerja 17.72 x 23.62 in Oil 1,600 EUR
(1,744 USD)
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 View Across A Bay 9.75 x 13.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 View Of A Village 11.00 x 14.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 View Of Achill 10.00 x 14.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Viewing Barley Above Vernon 16.00 x 20.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Village On A Rise, Rush, County Dublin 10.00 x 13.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Village Seen Through Trees 11.00 x 15.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Villas And Aquaduct Under A Heat Haze, Nerja 18.00 x 24.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Walking Through Long Grass, Punta Lara 18.00 x 24.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Waterfront At Ibiza 10.00 x 14.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Waterway From Above, Paris 9.50 x 13.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 11-24-2014 West Of Ireland Scene With Donkey And Cattle 18.00 x 24.00 in Oil 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Wheatfield Above Emerville, (oise) France 18.00 x 24.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick 03-03-2014 Winter Herd 11.42 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Winter Landscape With Olive Trees At Nerja 16.00 x 20.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Winter On The Liffeyside, Ballysmutten, Co. Wicklow 18.00 x 24.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 06-10-2009 Winter Settling In, Ballyconneely 15.75 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Winter Sun On Frigiliana 18.00 x 24.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Workers In A Field 11.00 x 15.00 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Workers In A Field 11.00 x 14.50 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 06-11-2006 Yachts In Harbour 16.14 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for Desmond Carrick Hammer prices and photo for Desmond Carrick 12-06-2014 Young Donkeys In A Briar Patch 12.00 x 17.00 in
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