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Art auction result for Georg Christoph Kilian

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Auctioned pieces | 44 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 11-08-2013 6 Bll.: Ansichten Von Römischen Ruinen 9.65 x 15.12 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 05-25-2004 7 Bll.: Ansichten Von Ruinen 0 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 10-17-2013 A Group Of 11 Plates Of Frescoes From Herculaneum 11.81 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 05-16-2009 Antike Fragmente 3.15 x 6.30 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 08-22-2004 Ars Erotica 131.50 x 156.54 in Etching 300 USD
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 07-08-2004 Biblische Motive 7.48 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 12-02-2005 Bildnis Freiherr Von Hertenstein 5.79 x 4.17 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 12-08-2007 Centauren Und Ansicht Von Herculano 7.87 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 11-04-2004 Darstellung Eines Wandgemäldes Aus Herculaneum 9.45 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 12-05-2009 Das Christkind Erscheint Dem Hl. Antonius Von Padua 29.53 x 19.88 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 04-26-2006 Der Ehrenbogen Des Drusus In Rom 6.30 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 05-05-2007 Der Ehrenbogen Des Drusus. 1767 6.02 x 8.82 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 04-21-2005 Die Donau Brück Zu Regenspurg 6.30 x 15.35 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 03-26-2009 Die Vier Elemente: Erde, Wasser, Luft Und Feuer. 18.11 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 03-07-2009 Ein Centauer, Die Leier Spielend 5.91 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 01-12-2006 Ezechiels Weissagung 6.30 x 4.53 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 04-23-2009 Grundriss Der Diocletianischen Thermen 13.39 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 07-05-2006 Herculaneum Und Ausgrabungsgegenstände 16.14 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 06-24-2009 Hl. Antonius Von Padua Mit Dem Jesuskind. 29.72 x 19.88 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 04-15-2010 Innenansicht Des Colloseums In Rom 8.66 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 11-27-2014 Kilian, Georg Christoph Bildnis Matthias Österreich 5.79 x 4.17 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 06-14-2008 Königstein - 3. Meilen Von Dresden Im Meißner Kreis 6.02 x 7.68 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 04-19-2007 La Loterie 17.72 x 22.64 in Etching 750 GBP
(973 USD)
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 01-13-2005 Motive Aus Der Römischen Antike 15.75 x 10.24 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 04-21-2005 Pfaltz Neuburgische Statt Und Schloß An Der Donau 5.91 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 07-10-2009 Portrait Maria Coecilia Verhelst 5.12 x 4.13 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 05-13-2006 Reste Des Grabmals Der Scipionen An Der Via Appia In Rom 7.87 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 06-24-2005 Reste Des Mausoleums Hadrians, Heitiges Tages Die Engelsburg Genannt 9.45 x 10.43 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian Hammer prices and photo for Georg Christoph Kilian 12-08-2007 Rom - Centauren Und Ansicht Von Herculano 7.87 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Georg Christoph Kilian 03-05-2005 Rom - Sculpturen Im Tempel Der Pallas Und Vom Bogn Des Septimus Severus 3.94 x 10.24 in
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