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Art auction result for Adrian Collaert

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Auctioned pieces | 99 results are found | Page 4 of 4 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert 06-04-2009 Virginis Mariae Vitae 3.35 x 2.56 in
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert 06-07-2007 Vita, Passio, Et Resurrectio Iesu Christi..." 6.85 x 8.39 in
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert 05-10-2012 Vrouwelijke Heremieten In Landschappen 6.89 x 8.66 in Unknown 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert 09-24-2008 Weite Landschaft Mit Dorf. 5.63 x 8.31 in
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert 09-23-2005 Winterlandschaft Mit Zwei Neutestamentlichen Szenen 6.02 x 8.31 in
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert Hammer prices and photo for Adrian Collaert 10-23-2010 Wizerunki świętych Pustelnic 7.01 x 8.78 in
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert Hammer prices and photo for Adrian Collaert 05-29-2008 Zwei Elstern 8.19 x 10.94 in
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert Hammer prices and photo for Adrian Collaert 06-12-2009 Zwei Kupferstiche: 'der Gute Hirte (sternzeichen Löwe)' Und 'berufung Der Jünger Am See Genezareth (sternzeichen Fische)' 6.69 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Adrian Collaert 04-10-2008 Zwei Landschaften; Im Vordergrund Ochsen Bzw 4.92 x 7.48 in
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