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Art auction result for Valentin Lefebvre

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Auctioned pieces | 34 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 02-11-2005 2 Bl. Radierungen Nach P.cagliari Venedig Bei Van Campen, Um 1680 17.91 x 11.54 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 11-16-2005 A Mythological Scene, Possibly Apollo And Diana 14.88 x 10.71 in Pen 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 07-10-2014 Abrahams Opfer 13.78 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 12-07-2013 Arkadische Landschaft Mit Hirten 12.09 x 17.20 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 04-30-2009 Bergers Avec Leur Troupeau 17.24 x 12.32 in Etching 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 12-06-2011 Biblisk Scen 29.13 x 28.74 in Oil 40,000 SEK
(3,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 07-05-2008 Bord De Mer À Tréguier 10.83 x 15.16 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 11-29-2007 Der Hl. Hieronymus In Der Wüste 10.63 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 05-18-2006 Die Drei Lebensalter 8.86 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 06-10-2014 Due Santi In Un Paesaggio Con Libri 4.13 x 3.74 in Ink 350 EUR
(381 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 07-10-2014 Ein Mönch Heilt Einen Kranken 16.54 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 05-29-2008 Ein Mönch Heilt Einen Kranken 16.69 x 10.79 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 06-07-2007 Ein Mönch Heilt Einen Kranken 16.69 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 03-19-2010 Esther Et Assuérus 10.59 x 13.31 in Painting 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 03-26-2009 Étude D'après Véronèse 11.81 x 21.26 in Ink 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 07-03-2008 Felsige Landschaft Mit Ortschaften, Im Vordergrund Drehorgel Spielendes Paar 9.84 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 04-16-2015 Figurendarstellung Aus #opera Selectiora...# 9.06 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 07-10-2014 Hl. Familie In Landschaft 8.66 x 12.80 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 11-26-2013 Il Giudizio Di Salomone 4.84 x 7.28 in Pen 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 03-25-2012 Jesus In The Temple 20.47 x 14.76 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 06-01-2006 Jesus Och S:t Gregorius Magne Utspisar De Fattiga 16.54 x 17.91 in Oil 30,000 SEK
(2,850 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 12-03-2013 Kardinalsporträtt 39.76 x 29.53 in Oil 20,000 SEK
(1,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 12-19-2009 La Piscine Miraculeuse 17.52 x 20.47 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 12-16-2005 La Vierge À L'enfant Sur Un Nuage Apparaissant À Saint Jérôme En Pénitence 27.32 x 16.38 in Feather 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 06-18-2009 Landschaft Mit Europa Auf Dem Stier 8.66 x 12.13 in
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 03-17-2005 Le Christ Apparaissant Aux Apôtres 8.07 x 11.22 in Chalk 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 04-04-2004 Le Christ Entouré D’anges Et Le SainT-Esprit 26.00 x 30.00 in Feather 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre Hammer prices and photo for Valentin Lefebvre 01-29-2007 Rebecca At The Well 9.84 x 7.80 in Ink 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 12-08-2010 Rebecca Au Puit 5.71 x 8.19 in Ink 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Valentin Lefebvre 07-10-2014 Ruhende Venus In Landschaft 9.45 x 17.52 in
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