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Art auction result for Beth Zeeh

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Auctioned pieces | 37 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 8

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 08-10-2009 Barnen Från Guldkusten 24.02 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 04-02-2005 Blommande Sommarlandskap 21.26 x 31.10 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 01-06-2008 Blommande Träd 20.87 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 02-20-2007 Blommande Träd Frankrike 23.62 x 32.28 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 05-27-2006 Blomstilleben 16.54 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 08-22-2004 Blåsippor 10.63 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 02-05-2008 Ensam Kvinna På Stranden 27.56 x 38.98 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 01-17-2005 Flicka Pе Terrassen 17.72 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 08-10-2010 Franskt Landskap 18.11 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 06-08-2010 Franskt Landskap Med Cypresser 18.11 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 11-09-2008 Gossporträtt 9.45 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 09-09-2007 Hus I Skog 14.17 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 02-20-2007 Komposition 16.14 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 02-04-2013 Landskap 21.65 x 18.50 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 01-13-2007 Landskap M Hus 13.78 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 07-23-2007 Landskap Med Blommor 35.43 x 23.62 in Oil 2,000 SEK
(190 USD)
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 01-10-2005 Landskap Med Fruktträd 14.57 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 09-07-2008 Marinmotiv 14.96 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 08-13-2008 Motiv Från Ljusdal 10.63 x 14.17 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 01-26-2012 Orientalisk Kvinna 25.98 x 21.26 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 10-22-2007 Provance 11.81 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 04-17-2007 Stilleben Med Liljekonvalj Och Guckusko 15.75 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 12-29-2004 Stilleben Med Näckrosor I Kopparform 12.60 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 11-17-2007 Strand Med Sanddyner 25.20 x 33.86 in Oil 3,000 SEK
(285 USD)
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 07-23-2007 Strandmotiv 20.08 x 27.17 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 02-04-2008 Svala 7.87 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 02-25-2013 Svarta Båtar I Motljus 17.72 x 21.26 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 05-08-2005 Sydfransk Kyrka 12.60 x 15.35 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh 09-27-2005 Sydländskt Landskap 19.69 x 26.77 in
Hammer prices for Beth Zeeh Hammer prices and photo for Beth Zeeh 02-06-2006 Sydlänskt Motiv 12.99 x 15.75 in
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