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Art auction result for Elisabeth Ahnert

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Auctioned pieces | 52 results are found | Page 2 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 03-05-2011 Kleines Mädchen Mit Birne 5.47 x 4.96 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 06-09-2012 Kleines Stilleben Mit Blumenvase. 8.11 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 06-14-2014 Komposition Mit Früchten 4.53 x 3.86 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 03-14-2015 Lore + Christine In Schwarz - Weiss 4.33 x 5.71 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert 04-23-2005 Maler Rosenhauer 10.55 x 13.19 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 12-08-2012 Mädchen Im Sommerlichen Blumengarten 5.98 x 7.40 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 06-14-2008 Mädchen Mit Blumenkorb Im Garten 9.80 x 6.89 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 10-27-2012 O.t. (stilleben Mit Zwei Blumenvasen). 4.49 x 7.76 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 09-13-2014 ObsT-Trio 5.98 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 03-14-2015 Park Mit Fischteich Und Kirchlein 4.61 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 06-14-2014 Parklandschaft Mit Kirchlein 6.06 x 7.48 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 09-20-2008 Rast Der Heiligen Familie. 1920 5.91 x 7.60 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 09-13-2014 Rosa Häuser 5.75 x 8.82 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 03-08-2014 Schwarze Christrose In Ubbelohdes Garten 11.61 x 8.15 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert 10-23-2004 Sommerblumen 16.42 x 12.83 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 03-14-2015 Sommerliches Wiesenstück. 10.12 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 09-14-2013 Stilleben Mit Blumenvase 7.87 x 5.20 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 12-06-2008 Stilleben Mit Blumenvase. 1960's. 7.17 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 12-07-2013 Städtchen Mit Kirche Und Rosa Wolken 5.91 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 09-14-2013 Vogelflug Über Gartenbeeten 6.46 x 9.17 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert Hammer prices and photo for Elisabeth Ahnert 12-06-2014 Wege Zwischen Gartenbeeten 9.84 x 13.50 in
Hammer prices for Elisabeth Ahnert 10-23-2004 Zwei Katzen Im Grünen 13.90 x 16.46 in
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