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Art auction result for Lars Lerin

1954 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 299 results are found | Page 1 of 10 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 101

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 11-17-2010 "henningsvaer" 14.96 x 21.65 in Watercolor 40,000 SEK
(3,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 12-19-2010 "kust" (coast). 4.33 x 5.71 in Panel 3,000 SEK
(285 USD)
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 11-14-2012 "snöljus Skymnäshagen" (winter Landscape, Skymnäshagen). 29.53 x 41.34 in Watercolor 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 12-19-2010 "vinter, Skärjen " (winter). 14.57 x 16.14 in Canvas 8,000 SEK
(760 USD)
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 12-19-2010 "öde Hus" (deserted House). 26.18 x 28.54 in Canvas 12,000 SEK
(1,140 USD)
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 10-30-2004 2 Man Med Kärra 1977 25.59 x 28.74 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 07-31-2005 3 St Lofotenmotiv 12.60 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 07-31-2005 4 Bilder Landskap Bla Med Hus 22.05 x 29.92 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 07-31-2005 4 St Olika Motiv Med Skördearbete 24.02 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 07-29-2007 83 Landskap Med Hus 5.12 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 10-29-2006 98 Vintermorgon 8.66 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 10-29-2006 Antarktis Deception Island 14.96 x 22.44 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 10-29-2006 Arbetande Klvinna 29.13 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 07-31-2005 Arbete På Fältet 19.69 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 10-29-2006 Arbete På Åkern 21.65 x 29.92 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 10-30-2004 Astrid Hänger Tvätt 17.32 x 21.26 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 12-28-2007 Avbildad I Boken Här Slutar Allmän Väg 21.65 x 29.53 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 12-28-2008 Bebyggelse Munkfors 25.59 x 35.43 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 11-10-2014 Bergen By, Spegling 14.96 x 20.87 in Watercolor 25,000 SEK
(2,375 USD)
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 07-27-2008 Bergslandskap Norge. 4.72 x 6.30 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 04-06-2008 Betrakterska I Röd Kofta 9.45 x 7.48 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 04-06-2008 Blå Snö Nore 8.66 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 07-27-2008 Blå Snö Nore -80. 8.66 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 03-09-2015 Bosjön 9.45 x 6.69 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 10-26-2008 Byggnad I Vinterlandskap, 22/10 -96 8.66 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 12-28-2007 Byggnader Nordnorge 98 8.66 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 03-29-2009 Båtar På Sjön 3.94 x 6.69 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 03-29-2009 Båthamn, Motiv Från Nordnorge -1982 26.77 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin Hammer prices and photo for Lars Lerin 11-19-2006 CleaR-Felled 10.63 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Lars Lerin 12-28-2008 Cockburn 22/2 -89 37.80 x 29.13 in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>

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