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Art auction result for Harry Marriott Burton

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Auctioned pieces | 5 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Harry Marriott Burton 08-03-2005 Durban / South Africa's All Year Resort 39.50 x 25.25 in Poster 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Marriott Burton Hammer prices and photo for Harry Marriott Burton 03-12-2014 Majorca, Balearic Isles 9.65 x 12.60 in Oil 700 AUD
(474 USD)
Hammer prices for Harry Marriott Burton Hammer prices and photo for Harry Marriott Burton 06-25-2014 Majorca, Balearic Isles 9.65 x 12.60 in Oil 700 AUD
(474 USD)
Hammer prices for Harry Marriott Burton Hammer prices and photo for Harry Marriott Burton 10-03-2013 Mangroves 13.39 x 16.93 in Oil 260 USD
Hammer prices for Harry Marriott Burton Hammer prices and photo for Harry Marriott Burton 12-07-2005 Marina Piccolo, Isle Of Capri 16.93 x 18.90 in Oil 500 AUD
(339 USD)

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