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Art auction result for Georg Schmid

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Auctioned pieces | 11 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid 11-02-2006 Berlin - Boote An Einer Anlegestelle An Der Spree 8.27 x 10.43 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid Hammer prices and photo for Georg Schmid 06-16-2007 Hall. Englischer Garten 11.42 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid 11-02-2006 Hochgebirge 6.89 x 10.83 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid 11-02-2006 Häuserpartie 7.48 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid Hammer prices and photo for Georg Schmid 05-09-2014 In Der Münchener au 23.43 x 31.30 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid 11-02-2006 Kirche In Ebersberg 11.81 x 10.04 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid 11-08-2007 Morgenstimmung In Den Allgäuer Alpen Im Vorfrühling Mit Einem Bauernhof Vorn Rechts 10.04 x 13.58 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid Hammer prices and photo for Georg Schmid 01-12-2006 München - Am MariA-HilF-Platz In Der au 7.87 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid 11-02-2006 München - Straßenzug In Der au 5.51 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid Hammer prices and photo for Georg Schmid 01-12-2006 Sommerliche Voralpenlandschaft 8.86 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Georg Schmid 11-02-2006 Waldinneres 6.89 x 10.83 in

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