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Art auction result for Gustav Klimt

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Auctioned pieces | 768 results are found | Page 11 of 26 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 16

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 12-19-2003 Kostüm Und Handstudie Für Die Lautenspielerin 12.40 x 17.72 in Chalk 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 10-12-2004 Kostümstudie Mit Aufgestütztem Rechten Arm 18.03 x 12.52 in Pencil 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-02-2012 Kostümstudie Mit Ineinander Gelegten Händen, Wiederholung Der Rechten Seite 17.60 x 12.60 in Wax 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2007 Kostümstudie Mit Ineinander Gelegten Händen, Wiederholung Der Rechten Seite (costume Study With Interlocked Hands, Repetition Of The Right Side) 17.72 x 12.20 in Crayon 35,000 GBP
(45,430 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 10-27-2012 Kunstdruck 24.80 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 12-01-2005 Künstlerteppich 57.09 x 59.06 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 11-14-2009 Lady In A Flowered Hat (no. 2) 12.50 x 5.80 in Collotype 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-23-2010 Le Amiche 11.50 x 12.00 in Collotype 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 03-06-2011 Le Amiche 11.50 x 12.00 in Collotype 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 02-24-2009 Lesende Oder Singende Von Vorne Studie Zum StocleT-Fries, 1905- 22.05 x 14.57 in Pencil 120,000 EUR
(130,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 09-28-2012 Lesende/stehende 6.69 x 4.33 in Lithograph 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 09-28-2012 Liebespaar 6.69 x 4.33 in Lithograph 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 09-28-2012 Liebespaar 6.69 x 4.33 in Lithograph 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-09-2012 Liebespaar 21.89 x 14.41 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-21-2012 Liebespaar 13.78 x 21.77 in Unknown 20,000 GBP
(25,960 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 02-06-2003 Liebespaar 13.78 x 21.77 in Pencil 32,206 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 02-06-2003 Liebespaar 13.78 x 21.77 in Pencil 32,206 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 12-08-2012 Liebespaar 13.78 x 21.46 in
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 02-04-2015 Liebespaar (lovers) 14.57 x 22.24 in Pencil 180,000 GBP
(233,640 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 02-06-2020 Liebespaar Mit Schwangerer In Langen Gewändern 21.61 x 14.02 in Pencil 25,000 GBP
(32,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 02-05-2003 Liebespaar Nach Rechts 14.60 x 22.00 in Pencil 20,000 GBP
(25,960 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-12-2004 Liebespaar Nach Rechts 14.61 x 22.20 in Pencil 9,000 EUR
(9,810 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 11-05-2004 Liebespaar Nach Rechts (lovers From The Right) 14.65 x 22.24 in Pencil 40,000 USD
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-20-2013 Liegende (reclining Nude) 14.37 x 22.05 in Pencil 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-22-2004 Liegende (reclining Woman) 14.76 x 22.44 in Pencil 80,000 GBP
(103,840 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt 06-25-2009 Liegende (reclining Woman) 14.49 x 22.13 in Pencil 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 06-25-2008 Liegende Frau 14.65 x 22.44 in Pencil 15,000 GBP
(19,470 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 02-08-2007 Liegende Frau Von Vorne 14.57 x 22.36 in Pencil 15,000 GBP
(19,470 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 02-08-2007 Liegender Akt 13.74 x 21.73 in Pencil 10,000 GBP
(12,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Gustav Klimt Hammer prices and photo for Gustav Klimt 05-05-2011 Liegender Akt 14.57 x 22.05 in Pencil 25,000 USD

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