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Art auction result for Friedrich Johann Voltz

1817 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 254 results are found | Page 7 of 9 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 19

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 04-10-2010 Portrait Einer Kuh. 12.99 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz 12-19-2004 Quelle Am Baum. 7.48 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 12-08-2009 Radirungen Von Friedrich Voltz, A Small Portfolio Containing Nine 9.84 x 7.87 in Etching 100 GBP
(129 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz 06-27-2007 Rastende Bauern 12.09 x 9.80 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz 04-24-2008 Rastender Hirte Mit Kühen Vor Bewaldeter Landschaft 3.54 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 03-26-2014 Rastender Hirte Mit Ziegen 10.35 x 14.09 in Pencil 550 EUR
(599 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 11-06-2008 Rastender Schafhirtenjunge Beim Streicheln Eines Bocks Vor Weiter Weidelandschaft 30.12 x 26.97 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 04-26-2006 Rinder Auf Der Wiese Am Waldrand 6.69 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 05-20-2006 Rinder Im Stall 11.22 x 14.76 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 04-19-2012 Rinder Und Ziegen Mit Zwei Hirtenjungen Rasten Im Schutze Der Felsen 7.87 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 12-08-2012 Rinderherde Am Fluss. 6.00 x 16.40 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 09-17-2007 Rising Storm - Herdsmen With Their Herd Fleeing Before The Storm 48.43 x 75.59 in Oil 120,000 CHF
(134,160 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 05-13-2011 Riverside Of Lake Starnberg 8.46 x 16.54 in Oil 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 05-30-2006 Ruhende Kühe An Einer Furt 7.48 x 17.72 in Oil 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 11-08-2006 Ruhende Kühe An Einer Furt 7.48 x 17.72 in Oil 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 06-27-2012 Ruhende Kühe In Baumlandschaft. 10.20 x 9.72 in Oil 2,200 EUR
(2,398 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz 10-28-2003 Rustic Family In Southern Landscape 10.91 x 13.27 in Oil 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 07-11-2008 Schaf Und Zwei Kühe Im Stall 11.02 x 16.34 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz 04-09-2005 Schafe Auf Der Weide 16.73 x 27.17 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 04-26-2006 Schafherde In Weiter Landschaft 5.51 x 12.40 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 07-02-2008 Schleuse Am Waldbach 9.92 x 13.58 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 12-04-2008 Schleuse Am Waldbach 9.92 x 13.58 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz 06-18-2015 Schwäbischer Bauernhof 13.39 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz 04-21-2005 Schäfer Mit Seiner Herde Und Reiter 6.18 x 9.65 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 11-21-2008 Shepherd With Cows And Sheep In The Landscape. 9.25 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz 11-02-2005 Sich Am Baum Reibender Stier 5.51 x 5.31 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 03-26-2014 Sitzende Junge Bäuerin Mit Kleinkind 8.19 x 10.79 in Unknown 650 EUR
(708 USD)
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 12-05-2007 Soldaten Am Feuer 16.61 x 13.27 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 12-05-2014 Sommerliche Hochgebirgslandschaft 16.14 x 14.37 in
Hammer prices for Friedrich Johann Voltz Hammer prices and photo for Friedrich Johann Voltz 04-23-2009 Stallinterieur Mit Einer Kuh Mit Säugendem Kälbchen Und Drei Kaninchen, Im Hintergrund Sitzt Eine Strickende Bäuerin Mit Einer Katze 12.20 x 13.98 in
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