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Art auction result for Bernd Hahn

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Auctioned pieces | 33 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 04-26-2014 Abstrakte Komposition In Gelb 15.55 x 21.06 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 04-26-2014 Abstrakte Komposition In Türkis 15.55 x 21.06 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 09-20-2008 Abstrakte Komposition. 1986 10.63 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 06-14-2014 Andreas Küchler, Lothar Sell, Claus Weidensdorfer, Werner Wittig, Konvolut Von Fünf Druckgrafiken 15.43 x 10.55 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 12-06-2014 Drei Neujahrsgrüße 4.13 x 5.83 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 12-06-2008 Dreieck Und Viereck. 1995 8.19 x 5.83 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 09-13-2014 Geometrische Formen In Blau, Rot Und Schwarz / Schwarzer Balken Vor Gitterraster. 19.88 x 19.09 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 09-13-2014 Geometrische Formen In Orange 35.43 x 55.31 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 03-14-2015 Geometrische Komposition I 9.72 x 15.47 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 03-14-2015 Geometrische Komposition Ii. 9.72 x 15.55 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 05-12-2012 Grafiken 11.61 x 4.33 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 05-12-2012 Grafiken 7.87 x 3.94 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 10-18-2014 Harlekinade 19.69 x 23.43 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 03-10-2010 Kleine Felder 18.90 x 24.61 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 05-12-2012 Komposition 15.55 x 21.46 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 05-12-2012 Komposition 15.55 x 21.26 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 05-12-2012 Komposition 15.75 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 03-14-2015 Komposition Mit Farbigen Balken 19.49 x 6.50 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 03-15-2008 Komposition Mit Rotem Halbkreis. 10.24 x 9.76 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 09-20-2008 Komposition Mit Rotem Halbkreis. 1996 10.24 x 9.76 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 05-12-2012 Konstellation 18.50 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 09-13-2014 Miniatur". 18.98 x 24.61 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 05-12-2012 Ohne Titel 15.55 x 9.84 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 06-13-2009 Ohne Titel 39.37 x 29.65 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 05-12-2012 Ohne Titel 20.67 x 15.35 in Acrylic 450 EUR
(490 USD)
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 03-08-2014 Querrechteckige Felder. 20.55 x 28.86 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 03-08-2014 Rot Über Schwarz Mit Farbigen Akzenten In Weiß, Blau, Grün Und Gelb. 27.56 x 37.80 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 12-06-2014 Schwarz Und Gelb 9.84 x 3.35 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 03-14-2015 Schwarze Formen Vor Rot 17.32 x 17.20 in
Hammer prices for Bernd Hahn Hammer prices and photo for Bernd Hahn 09-13-2014 Schwarze Sonne 20.39 x 28.94 in
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