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Art auction result for Rene Victor Auberjonois

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Auctioned pieces | 289 results are found | Page 10 of 10 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 4

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 11-13-2005 Tête De Femme 12.99 x 10.04 in Crayon 800 CHF
(894 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 05-09-2007 Toulon 10.24 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 05-11-2011 Tournesols 11.22 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 06-15-2009 Un Palotin 8.78 x 7.28 in Pencil 900 CHF
(1,006 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 09-22-2014 Unknown 8.54 x 5.67 in Pencil 3,500 CHF
(3,913 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 04-26-2008 Untitled 6.69 x 5.31 in Pencil 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 11-14-2005 Vache 13.19 x 10.24 in Crayon 500 CHF
(559 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 11-14-2005 Vache 8.46 x 10.63 in Crayon 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 06-05-2008 Vater Mit Kind Und Kuh 8.15 x 6.57 in
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 11-14-2005 Veau 13.39 x 10.24 in Crayon 900 CHF
(1,006 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 06-13-2013 Vue De Sion, Le Silo 14.37 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 03-28-2008 Weibliche Gestalt In Faltenreichen Umhang Gehullt Mit Wanderstab 9.84 x 14.76 in Pencil 450 CHF
(503 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois 12-10-2007 Weibliche Gestalt In Faltenreichen Umhang Gehüllt Mit 9.84 x 14.76 in Unknown 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 06-13-2013 Ygor Feodorovitch Joue La Marche 6.26 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 06-25-2008 Young Female Nude. 8.27 x 6.30 in Pencil 1,500 CHF
(1,677 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 11-17-2008 Zigeunerin, Um 1920 6.42 x 5.12 in Pencil 1,500 CHF
(1,677 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 06-13-2013 Zwei Affen. - Löwin 7.36 x 6.69 in
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 03-21-2011 Zwei Frauenakte 12.99 x 9.45 in Ink 5,000 CHF
(5,590 USD)
Hammer prices for Rene Victor Auberjonois Hammer prices and photo for Rene Victor Auberjonois 06-05-2008 Ärztliche Ratschläge. Karikatur 5.63 x 4.72 in
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