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Art auction result for Antoni Piotrowski

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Auctioned pieces | 76 results are found | Page 2 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 5

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 12-19-2007 Na Skraju Lasu 19.88 x 25.98 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 02-27-2008 Na Skraju Lasu 19.88 x 25.98 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski 05-22-2010 Na Targu 5.91 x 8.07 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 08-26-2009 Nimfy I Satyry 63.39 x 83.07 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 10-12-2014 On Fair 17.72 x 25.59 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 03-20-2011 Out For A Hunt 12.60 x 16.06 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 10-16-2011 Out For A Hunt 12.60 x 15.94 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 06-16-2011 Paleta Malarska 11.02 x 7.48 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 09-25-2012 Portret Dziewczyny W Czerwonej Bluzce 14.96 x 11.02 in Watercolor 6,000 PLN
(1,542 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 03-13-2010 Portret Franciszka Szalczyka, Strzelca 3. PuŁku Wielkopolskiego W Łanicy 13.39 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 08-26-2009 Portret Młodej Kobiety 12.60 x 10.94 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 06-09-2013 Prayer 17.13 x 26.97 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 04-01-2009 Prince Alexander Von Battenberg In Battle On The River At Slivnica 40.55 x 61.02 in Oil 90,000 EUR
(98,100 USD)
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 02-19-2009 Przed Lustrem, 1916 R 24.02 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski 09-09-2005 Rider And Dogs On A Hunt 9.00 x 13.00 in Oil 6,500 USD
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski 04-21-2005 Russian Lancers 17.91 x 33.86 in Oil 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 12-09-2007 Russian Patrol At Danube 15.94 x 34.06 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 10-17-2010 Russian Patrol At Danube 15.94 x 34.06 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 03-24-2007 Scena Rodzajowa Przed Dworem 24.02 x 36.61 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 05-19-2010 Scena W Kuchni Á La Chardin 25.39 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski 02-05-2007 Scène De Chasse À Cour 9.06 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski 03-20-2011 Shepherd Girl 27.64 x 39.69 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 06-22-2006 Spotkanie Na Przełęczy 71.26 x 98.82 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 12-15-2011 Stodoły 7.87 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 12-07-2008 Stormy Baltic Sea, 1913 8.86 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 06-08-2013 Szkic Studyjny (koń, Pejzaż) 12.99 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 10-22-2008 The Cracked Ice 25.98 x 38.98 in Oil 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 04-24-2009 The Cracked Ice 25.98 x 38.98 in Oil 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 10-24-2007 The Cracked Ice 25.98 x 38.98 in Oil 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Antoni Piotrowski Hammer prices and photo for Antoni Piotrowski 02-07-2013 The Farewell 12.20 x 15.75 in Mixed Media 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
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