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Art auction result for Ilse Bing

1899 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 267 results are found | Page 6 of 9 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 4

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing 04-02-2019 Paris Windows With Flags, Bastille Day 8.74 x 11.10 in Gelatin Silver Print 9,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing 04-23-2003 Paris, Lamp Post 8.50 x 11.00 in Gelatin Silver Print 7,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 09-07-2007 Paris, Pont Alexandre Iii, Bec De Gaz, TrocadérO-Eiffel, 1935 13.50 x 9.49 in Gelatin Silver Print 3,500 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 12-05-2013 Paris. Cheval De Marly 10.94 x 13.98 in Print 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 02-16-2006 Parisian View 13.19 x 9.45 in Print 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 11-10-2011 Passante - DenferT-Rochereau 14.06 x 10.91 in Ink 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 04-30-2011 Patrice Avec Bateau 11.00 x 14.00 in Gelatin Silver Print 1,200 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 11-10-2011 Paysage Au Lampadaire 8.19 x 9.41 in Ink 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 12-05-2013 Paysage Urbain 8.07 x 8.86 in Print 200 EUR
(218 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing 11-13-2014 Photographe À La Foire Aux Pains D'épices 9.92 x 11.14 in Photograph 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 10-28-2020 Place De La Concorde, Paris 13.74 x 10.87 in Gelatin Silver Print 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing 05-26-2005 Place De La Concorde, Paris 12.91 x 10.24 in Print 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 05-13-2020 Portrait 8.98 x 6.97 in Gelatin Silver Print 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 11-10-2011 Portraits 13.39 x 11.02 in Ink 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 11-23-2013 Publicité Pour Un Cours De Gymnastique 3.15 x 4.33 in Photograph 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 12-05-2013 Quai Branly 13.98 x 10.94 in Print 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 05-13-2020 Ram Statue 7.36 x 11.10 in Gelatin Silver Print 2,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 05-13-2020 Ram Statue 8.35 x 11.10 in Gelatin Silver Print 2,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 04-02-2013 Renata And Her Sister 11.14 x 8.74 in Gelatin Silver Print 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 11-10-2011 Renault 8.86 x 13.39 in Ink 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 05-18-2006 Ringling Brothers And Barnum & Bailey Circus, Madison Square Garden, New York 7.80 x 6.85 in Print 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 05-13-2020 Rockefeller Center Above Houses 13.90 x 16.73 in Gelatin Silver Print 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 06-04-2014 Rooftop View Of New York Skyline 7.68 x 11.10 in
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 12-05-2013 Rosette Pont Alexandre Iii 10.94 x 13.98 in Print 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing 11-13-2014 Rue Jacob Mit 12 Fenstern 9.13 x 13.46 in Crayon 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 11-10-2011 SainT-Tropez 8.66 x 11.02 in Ink 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 03-24-2011 Salut De Schiaparelli 12.52 x 10.51 in Silver 4,500 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 12-05-2013 Salut De Schiaparelli 12.87 x 10.31 in Print 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing Hammer prices and photo for Ilse Bing 10-04-2012 Salut De Schiaparelli 13.10 x 10.50 in Print 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Ilse Bing 10-29-2014 Salut De Schiaparelli. 12.70 x 10.50 in Print 4,500 USD
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