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Art auction result for Benedetto Luti

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Auctioned pieces | 39 results are found | Page 2 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti 07-09-2014 Study Of A Seated Male Nude, His Arm Outstretched 16.54 x 11.02 in Chalk 7,000 GBP
(9,086 USD)
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti Hammer prices and photo for Benedetto Luti 09-19-2009 Study Of A Standing Naked Man. 20.08 x 12.60 in Chalk 5,000 CHF
(5,590 USD)
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti Hammer prices and photo for Benedetto Luti 05-26-2010 Testa Di San Pietro 16.61 x 10.94 in Pencil 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti Hammer prices and photo for Benedetto Luti 12-15-2008 Tête De Christ 26.77 x 19.88 in Canvas 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti Hammer prices and photo for Benedetto Luti 12-07-2006 The Education Of The Virgin 44.88 x 36.42 in Oil 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti 12-13-2002 The Supper At Emmaus 15.35 x 11.89 in Oil 7,000 GBP
(9,086 USD)
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti 11-28-2013 Unknown 12.01 x 9.72 in
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti Hammer prices and photo for Benedetto Luti 04-10-2013 Visage Du Christ 12.20 x 11.22 in Pastel 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Benedetto Luti Hammer prices and photo for Benedetto Luti 07-11-2013 War Mitglied Der Akademie San Luca Und Der Congregaz. 12.01 x 9.72 in
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