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Art auction result for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo)

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Auctioned pieces | 3,606 results are found | Page 31 of 121 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 241

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 08-31-2011 Drie Vogels In Rode Boom 15.75 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 02-08-2009 Driehoogballade (1950-1951) 11.10 x 8.82 in Unknown 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 04-10-2018 Drømmebilleder 11.81 x 8.46 in Serigraph 10,000 DKK
(1,460 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-15-2007 Du Femme Au Chat I 25.39 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-15-2007 Du Femme Au Chat ii 20.47 x 25.98 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-24-2011 Dune Landscape 3.82 x 6.26 in Etching 550 EUR
(599 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-05-2013 E Soleil Prisonnier De L'eau 31.50 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-20-2013 Ea 12.60 x 7.87 in Lithograph 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 07-01-2013 Ea (konstnärens Exemplar) 29.53 x 43.31 in Lithograph 3,000 SEK
(285 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-25-2003 Echo De L`afrique 46.85 x 34.84 in Etching 900 EUR
(981 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-25-2003 Eclosion 6.10 x 5.91 in Gouache 2,200 EUR
(2,398 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-14-2009 Eclosion I 23.00 x 19.50 in Oil 40,000 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-25-2003 Een Schedel Vol Stem 12.80 x 9.06 in Screenprint 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-12-2006 Een Schedel Vol Stem 12.20 x 8.27 in Lithograph 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-28-2006 Een Wollen Tapijt Met De Voorstelling Van Een Naakt, Een Vogel En Een Hand 78.74 x 118.11 in Painting 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-17-2005 Efferrescence Des Oiseaux Après La Mouson 17.72 x 23.03 in Print 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-17-2005 Effervescence Des Oiseaux Après La Moisson 19.69 x 25.59 in Lithograph 600 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 04-27-2005 Effusion De L'oiseau, 1981 36.22 x 28.74 in Acrylic 15,000 EUR
(16,350 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-15-2010 Egyptienne 22.05 x 29.33 in Screenprint 200 EUR
(218 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-11-2005 Eight Cats In Love 18.11 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 04-16-2015 Eight Cats In Love Vii 13.58 x 12.01 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-20-2005 El Est Fleur 25.59 x 19.69 in Color Lithograph 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-24-2008 Élégie D'ete 0 x 86.61 in Tapestry 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 04-04-2007 Elegie D'un Ete 86.61 x 86.61 in Unknown 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 02-03-2014 Elegie D'un Été 31.50 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-06-2013 Elégie D'un Été 86.61 x 86.61 x 0.79 in Unknown 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-14-2007 Elégie D'un Été 86.61 x 0 in Painting 2,500 EUR
(2,725 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-23-2010 Élégie D'un Été 86.61 x 0 in Unknown 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-04-2009 Elegie D'un Ete, 2003 86.61 x 84.65 in Unknown 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-30-2008 Elégie D'un Été, 2003 86.61 x 0 in Painting 3,500 EUR
(3,815 USD)

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