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Art auction result for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo)

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Auctioned pieces | 3,606 results are found | Page 49 of 121 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 241

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-03-2014 Halfnaakt, Kat En Vogel 25.20 x 19.29 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 07-06-2006 Headache 17.72 x 26.50 in Color Lithograph 300 GBP
(389 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-16-2011 Herbes 25.98 x 20.08 in Lithograph 20,000 SEK
(1,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2014 Herbes 25.79 x 20.28 in Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-15-2007 Herbes, 1973 19.69 x 25.59 in Lithograph 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-13-2007 Heure Matinale 33.94 x 23.03 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-25-2021 Heure Matinale 19.29 x 25.20 in Lithograph 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-07-2012 Heure Matinale 18.23 x 21.85 in Lithograph 300 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 02-07-2005 Heure Tardive 16.14 x 22.44 in Color Lithograph 6,000 NOK
(558 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-02-2005 Heure Tardive 16.93 x 23.03 in Color Lithograph 500 EUR
(545 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-30-2011 Heure Tardive 19.88 x 25.59 in Color Lithograph 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-08-2008 Heure Tardive 18.50 x 24.80 in Color Lithograph 900 EUR
(981 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-26-2009 Heure Tardive 16.93 x 23.03 in Color Lithograph 600 EUR
(654 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-10-2008 Heure Tardive 17.09 x 23.15 in Color Lithograph 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-07-2006 Heure Tardive (1958) 16.93 x 23.11 in Lithograph 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 07-10-2010 Heures tardives 25.00 x 31.00 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 02-20-2007 Himlakroppar Och Katt 26.38 x 21.65 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-24-2014 Hoggar En Fête 55.51 x 41.34 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-18-2014 Hoggar En Fête 46.85 x 35.04 in Etching 10,000 SEK
(950 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-11-2021 Hoggar En Fête 55.51 x 41.34 in Etching 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 04-15-2014 Hoggar En Fête 46.85 x 35.04 in Etching 8,000 SEK
(760 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-27-2009 Hoggar En Fête (liegende In Blau Mit Gelbem Kopf). 1992-94 47.05 x 35.31 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-03-2002 Hommage À Cobra 29.92 x 29.33 in Color Lithograph 545 USD
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-12-2005 Hommage Á Eric Satie 25.98 x 19.88 in Color Lithograph 4,000 SEK
(380 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 02-17-2008 Hommage Á Eric Satie 25.98 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-20-2014 Hommage À F. Garcia Lorca 19.69 x 13.78 in Color Lithograph 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-29-2011 Hommage À F. Garcia Lorca 19.69 x 21.85 x 3.35 in Color Lithograph 250 EUR
(272 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-20-2014 Hommage À Gustav Mahler 11.81 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-20-2014 Hommage À Gustav Mahler 11.81 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-11-2010 Hommage À Gustave Mahler 11.81 x 16.54 in Silkscreen 500 EUR
(545 USD)

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