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Art auction result for Lipót Hermann

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Auctioned pieces | 155 results are found | Page 1 of 6 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 6

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 06-19-2010 2 Bl. Kopfstudien Eines Mannes Mit Schnurrbart. 3.94 x 3.15 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann 06-19-2010 2 Personenstudien Auf 1 bl 4.13 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann 03-21-2007 Scene 4.33 x 6.30 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 10-29-2008 Four Nudes In A Glade 4.65 x 6.10 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 09-19-2007 Unknown 4.72 x 6.69 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 04-22-2006 Vénusz 4.72 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 11-27-2007 Bathers By A Forest Pool 4.92 x 7.40 in Oil 600 CAD
(439 USD)
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 03-08-2008 Erdei Táj, 1941 5.51 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann 03-05-2007 Vénusz És Adonisz Szerelme 5.51 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann 10-15-2005 Erdei Táj, 1941 5.51 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 10-13-2007 Alaktanulmányok 5.71 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 10-29-2008 Reclining Nudes; Floral Study 5.71 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann 01-26-2008 Couple 5.91 x 7.87 in Pencil 300 USD
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 05-28-2008 Erdőrészlet 6.10 x 8.46 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 10-13-2007 Sétálók 6.30 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 10-07-2008 Mocsaras Táj 6.50 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann 10-15-2005 Nyári Rezidencia 6.69 x 8.07 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann 09-22-2004 Solgers 6.69 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 05-29-2010 Aktok 6.89 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 05-18-2011 Aktok 6.89 x 5.12 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 05-06-2008 Scene 7.28 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 06-02-2008 Venus And Adonis 7.48 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 05-22-2006 Vénusz És Adonisz Szerelme / Love Of Venus And Adonis 7.48 x 8.66 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 09-12-2009 Erdő 7.87 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 10-29-2008 Forest Scene 7.87 x 6.30 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 05-13-2006 Vázlat A Feltámadáshoz 8.03 x 10.59 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann 12-18-2004 Vázlat A Feltámadáshoz 8.03 x 10.59 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 05-22-2013 Fürdőzők 8.27 x 11.61 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 03-18-2006 Bacchanália 8.66 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Lipót Hermann Hammer prices and photo for Lipót Hermann 12-05-2007 Mitológiai Jelenet 8.66 x 6.10 in
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