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Art auction result for Henry Venn Lansdown

1806 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 13 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 01-25-2005 'orangery, Newton Park, Near Bath' ;'bellott's Hospital, Bath 1609, West Side'; 'bellott's Hospital, Bath 1609, East Side'; 'bellott's Hospital, Bath 1609, Front'; 'bellott's Hospital, Bath 1609, Gard 8.46 x 8.66 in Watercolor 150 GBP
(194 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 10-11-2004 Massacre Of The Greeks At Scio In The Year 1822, Taken From The Original Fresco By Thomas Barker At Doric Villa, Bath 9.06 x 20.87 in Watercolor 300 GBP
(389 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 01-25-2005 'mr Ralph Allen's House In Lilliput Alley From The Garden...' ;'east Gate, Bath. Interior'; 'east Gate, Bath. Exterior';'st Adeline, Little Sodbury' 9.45 x 13.39 in Watercolor 250 GBP
(324 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 05-17-2005 'mr Ralph Allen's House In Lilliput Alley From The Garden... 9.45 x 13.39 in Watercolor 150 GBP
(194 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 01-25-2005 'prior Park, Temp. R. Allen' ;'duke Of Northumberland's House, Westgate Street'; 'beau Nash's First Residence In St John's Court'; 'all Saints Chapel, Lansdown'; 'charlecombe Church, Near Bath' 10.24 x 13.39 in Watercolor 350 GBP
(454 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 01-25-2005 'dr Bave's House, St James' Rampier' ; 'abbots Gateway, Queen Charlton, Keynsham'; 'bathford Church'; 'king Edward's Grammar School, Bath'; 'londonderry, An Old Mansion In Kingsmead Square...bath' 10.43 x 13.98 in Watercolor 350 GBP
(454 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 05-17-2005 'dr Bave's House, St James' 10.43 x 13.98 in Watercolor 250 GBP
(324 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 01-25-2005 'gateway To Castle Of Lord St Lo, Newton Park' ;'tower In The Castle Of Lord St Lo, Newton Park'; 'old Hall In The Manor House, Frome'; 'taurobolium Of Lyons, Erected... Bath'; 'manor House, Coldashto 10.63 x 12.01 in Watercolor 300 GBP
(389 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 01-25-2005 'nassau House, Orange Grove (prince Of Orange House);'wolley Church, Near Bath'; 'lord Lexington's House...'; 'chandos House...'; 'queen's Square Chapel, Bath' 10.83 x 13.98 in Watercolor 350 GBP
(454 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 05-17-2005 'nassau House, Orange Grove (prince Of Orange House) 10.83 x 13.98 in Watercolor 250 GBP
(324 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown Hammer prices and photo for Henry Venn Lansdown 08-09-2011 Nassau House, Orange Grove (prince Of Orange House) (illustrated); Queen's Square Chapel, Bath; And Mr Ralph Allen's House In Lilliput Alley From The Garden, Designed By Architect J. Wood, 172 10.91 x 13.98 in Pencil 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 01-25-2005 'manor House, Little Sodbury' ;'bathford House'; 'house, Coldashton'; Batheaston Church'; (one Untitled) 11.02 x 17.13 in Watercolor 350 GBP
(454 USD)
Hammer prices for Henry Venn Lansdown 01-25-2005 'marshall Wade's House, Abbey Church Yard' 11.22 x 9.65 in Watercolor 350 GBP
(454 USD)

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