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Art auction result for Vicente Lopez

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Auctioned pieces | 17 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 11-27-2007 A Boy, In ReD-Piped Blue Uniform, Gold Embroidered Red Collar, Gold Epaulette And Anguillette 2.99 x 2.64 in Unknown 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 06-08-2007 Historische Szene 7.91 x 5.98 in
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez 12-04-2008 Portrait Of Maria Josefa Amalia De Sajonia, Queen Of Spain (1803-1829) 14.06 x 11.02 in Oil 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez 07-07-2011 The Expulson Of Adam And Eve From Paradise 14.17 x 14.84 in Oil 15,000 GBP
(19,470 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 09-29-2011 St. Paul The Hermit 16.00 x 12.00 in Oil 10,000 GBP
(12,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 09-29-2012 St. Paul The Hermit 16.00 x 12.00 in Oil 10,000 GBP
(12,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 10-29-2014 Joseph's Dream 18.90 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 07-04-2006 The Vision Of Saint Pascual Bailón 28.54 x 23.94 in Oil 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez 12-09-2004 Portrait Of Don Mateo Casado Y Sirelo 35.12 x 28.43 in Oil 40,000 GBP
(51,920 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez 06-01-2005 Dona Gertrudis De Compte Y De Brugat,viuda De (witwe Des) Sarda Molins 36.61 x 27.56 in Oil 50,000 CHF
(55,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 05-30-2006 Dona Gertrudis De Compte Y De Brugat, Viuda De (witwe Des) Sarda Molins. 36.61 x 27.56 in Oil 50,000 CHF
(55,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez 11-18-2004 Dona Gertrudis De Compte Y De Brugat, Viuda De (witwe Des) Sarda Molins 36.61 x 27.56 in Oil 50,000 CHF
(55,900 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 06-13-2007 Dona Gertrudis De Compte Y De Brugat Viuda De (witwe Des) Sarda Molins 36.61 x 27.56 in Oil 28,000 CHF
(31,304 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez 09-17-2010 Dona Gertrudis De Compte Y De Bruga, Witwe Des Sarda Molins 36.61 x 27.56 in Oil 13,000 EUR
(14,170 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez 12-09-2004 Portrait Of King Ferdinand Vii (1784 - 1833), ThreE-Quarter Length, In Casual Attire, Wearing The Badge Of The Order Of The Golden Fleece And The Stars Of The Orders Of Charles Iii And Isabel La Catól 37.60 x 25.59 in Oil 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez Hammer prices and photo for Vicente Lopez 11-01-2006 Portrait Of King Charles Iv Of Spain, HalF-Length, Wearing The Order Of The Golden Fleece 40.12 x 31.14 in Oil 3,500 GBP
(4,543 USD)
Hammer prices for Vicente Lopez 12-09-2004 The Adoration Of The Trinity 44.02 x 31.30 in Oil 35,000 GBP
(45,430 USD)

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