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Art auction result for Edward William Payton

1859 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 6 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Edward William Payton Hammer prices and photo for Edward William Payton 04-28-2010 Auckland From The North Shore Channel 7.09 x 9.84 in Watercolor 400 NZD
(243 USD)
Hammer prices for Edward William Payton Hammer prices and photo for Edward William Payton 10-22-2009 Maori Village, Rotorua 11.81 x 17.32 in Watercolor 2,000 NZD
(1,218 USD)
Hammer prices for Edward William Payton 12-05-2004 Wairoa Valley, Tarawera 13.39 x 21.26 in Watercolor 1,600 NZD
(974 USD)
Hammer prices for Edward William Payton Hammer prices and photo for Edward William Payton 07-01-2008 Partington's Mill, Auckland 14.96 x 10.63 in Watercolor 1,200 NZD
(730 USD)
Hammer prices for Edward William Payton Hammer prices and photo for Edward William Payton 03-20-2014 New Zealand Landscape 28.35 x 40.16 in Oil 6,000 AUD
(4,068 USD)
Hammer prices for Edward William Payton Hammer prices and photo for Edward William Payton 07-01-2008 Ohinemutu, Lake Rotorua 29.53 x 49.61 in Oil 30,000 NZD
(18,270 USD)

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