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Art auction result for Simon Louis Boizot

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Auctioned pieces | 8 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Simon Louis Boizot Hammer prices and photo for Simon Louis Boizot 11-15-2007 Relief Of The Liberal Arts 4.72 x 14.96 in
Hammer prices for Simon Louis Boizot Hammer prices and photo for Simon Louis Boizot 12-06-2013 Etude De Femme Italienne 7.48 x 4.92 in Crayon 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Simon Louis Boizot 06-18-2008 Unknown 11.02 x 0 in Marble 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Simon Louis Boizot 03-23-2015 Nimf En Amor 15.35 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Simon Louis Boizot Hammer prices and photo for Simon Louis Boizot 06-19-2006 Scène Antique 18.27 x 15.35 in Pen 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Simon Louis Boizot Hammer prices and photo for Simon Louis Boizot 12-04-2012 Young Lady 19.69 x 0 in Terracotta 100,000 SEK
(9,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Simon Louis Boizot Hammer prices and photo for Simon Louis Boizot 05-28-2013 Unknow 19.69 x 0 in Terracotta 80,000 SEK
(7,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Simon Louis Boizot 05-18-2005 Borée Et Orithye 21.26 x 0 in Bronze 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)

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