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Art auction result for John Prideaux Selby

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Auctioned pieces | 48 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'red Breasted Merganser Female', Bimaculted Teal Female', 'hooded Merganser Female' 10.63 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'greenshank', 'red Necked Gribe Male'. 10.67 x 15.43 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'greenshank', 'red Necked Gribe Male' 10.67 x 15.43 in Etching 400 GBP
(519 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'termminck's 10.79 x 15.63 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'common Gallinule', 'rail' 10.79 x 15.79 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 Common Dottrel Male Summer Plumage Female Winter Plumage', 'sabines Snipe, Ground Snipe Summer Plumage', 'little Grebe Summer Adult Plumage And Young', ' Common Crake Male And 10.83 x 15.55 in Etching 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'black Guillemot Summer Plumage Winter Plummage', 'black Tern Summer And Winter Plumage', 'little Auk Summer And Winter Plumage', 'fared Grebe Young', 'tufted Pocha 10.91 x 15.55 in Etching 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'black Guillemot Summer Plumage Winter Plummage' 10.91 x 15.55 in Etching 400 GBP
(519 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 05-10-2010 Ornithological Studies 11.02 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby 11-05-2005 Ruff. 15.50 x 20.50 in Lithograph 300 USD
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 Gooseander, Male', 'red Breasted Merganser', 'gadwall Duck, Male', 'common Wild Duck Male' 15.59 x 21.46 in Etching 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'gooseander, Male', 'red Breasted Merganser', 'gadwall Duck, Male', 'common Wild Duck Male' 15.59 x 21.46 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'whimbrell', 'common Thick Knee' 15.63 x 21.54 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 Whimbrell', 'common Thick Knee' 15.63 x 21.54 in Etching 400 GBP
(519 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'common Gull, Winter Plumage', 'artic Skua', 'ivory Gull, Adult' 15.67 x 21.46 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'bimaculated Duck, Male', 'pomarine Skua', 'steller's Pochard', Spectacle Scoter' 15.75 x 21.54 in Etching 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 Red Lobe Foot', 'grey Phalarope Winter And Summer Plumage', 'sanderling Summer Plumage Winter Plumage' 15.75 x 10.91 in Etching 700 GBP
(908 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'red Lobe Foot', 'grey Phalarope Winter And Summer Plumage', 'sanderling Summer Plumage Winter Plumage', 'cream Coloured Swiftfoot' 15.75 x 10.91 in Etching 400 GBP
(519 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'bimaculated Duck, Male', 'pomarine Skua', 'steller's Pochard', Spectacle Scoter' 15.75 x 21.54 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 11-02-2011 'red Lobe Foot', 'grey Phalarope Winter And Summer Plumage', 'sanderling Summer Plumage Winter Plumage', 'cream Coloured Swiftfoot' 15.75 x 10.91 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'great Bittern', 'grey Lapwing', 'plate Lxxiv' 15.83 x 21.42 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'great Bittern', 'grey Lapwing', 'plate Lxxiv' 15.83 x 21.42 in Etching 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'lesser Black Backed Gull', 'herring Gull, Old' 15.83 x 21.42 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'iceland Gull, Young', 'fulmar Petrel', Herring Gull, Young', 'little Gull' 16.14 x 21.81 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'black Scoter, Male', 'scaup Duck', 'eider Duck, Male', 'eider, Female' 16.14 x 22.17 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 'garganey Teal, Male And Female', 'smew, Male And Female', 'golden Eye Duck, Male And Female', 'scaup Pochard' 16.14 x 21.73 in Etching 800 GBP
(1,038 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-02-2006 Black Tailed Godwit', 'golden Plover', 'common Oyster Catcher', 'common Godwit 16.14 x 22.05 in Etching 1,200 GBP
(1,557 USD)
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'black Tailed Godwit', 'golden Plover', 'common Oyster Catcher', 'common Godwit' 16.14 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'garganey Teal, Male And Female', 'smew, Male And Female', 'golden Eye Duck, Male And Female', 'scaup Pochard' 16.14 x 21.73 in
Hammer prices for John Prideaux Selby Hammer prices and photo for John Prideaux Selby 08-01-2007 'razor Bill', 'foolish Guillemot' 16.38 x 22.32 in
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